Dec 14, 2005 23:16
A young man once went off to war
in a far country
When he had time, he wrote home and
said, "Sure rains here a lot."
But his mother, reading between the lines,
Wrote, "We're quite concerned. Tell us
what it's really like."
And the young man responded, "Wow, you ought
to see the funny monkeys!"
To which the mother replied, "Don't
hold back, how is it?"
And the young man wrote, "The sunsets here
are spectacular."
In the next letter the mother
wrote, "Son we want you to tell us
So the next time he wrote,
"Today I killed a man.
Yesterday I helped drop naplam on women and
children. Tomorrow we are going to use
And the father wrote, "Please don't
write such depressing letters. You're upsetting
your mother."
So, after a while, the young man wrote, "Sure rains a
lot here..."