Lie With Me - Supernatural, PG-13, Drabble

Mar 06, 2007 13:37

Title: Lie With Me
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spn fanfic

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_touched March 6 2007, 19:44:10 UTC
When I first came into this fandom (was there from the pilot onward) - I immediately picked up on the love and the protection vibe given off between the brothers and that's essentially what drew me to this show. I loved how desperate Dean is to protect his brother at all costs and I loved more than anything, the subtext of a love that shouldn't be there, but was, between the two of them. It was unspoken of course, but watching them looking back from the screen at me - I could tell with looks, touches and the way they joked back and forth ( ... )


thelonejuliet March 19 2007, 23:46:05 UTC
Aww, thank you for reading it dearest! You actually brought tears to my eyes - which is hard to do, lol.

I'm so happy you liked it! I wasn't quite sure how this was going to go over because I'm usually pretty wordy and this was a severe departure from everything else I've written. I felt really....naked, for lack of a better word, when I put this up because it's so different and I think it cuts right down to the core of Dean - which is a scary thought because of all the walls he puts up.

Anyway, thank you again, so much! I wrote a sequel/companion type thingy from Sam's POV, but I don't think it's near as good as this one....y



_touched March 21 2007, 03:25:11 UTC
You are more than welcome, it was one of the better pieces that I've read in a while. Aw, wow. I wasn't really trying to do that, but as long as they're good tears then I guess it's okay. :)

I like people who are wordy sometimes, but this particular piece was simply amazing. I don't think it was naked at all, in fact I think simple for this one, actually suited it. I feel like you were really able to channel exactly how Dean feels about Sam and the lengths that he would go to for his brother.

Plus, you had just enough subtext there to keep the Wincesty people happy and not enough that would seen the just "brother love" fic readers running for the hills. It's pretty rare when you find that kind of balance and you seemed to make it work.

Aw, well I'm definitely going to have to check that out, now that I know about it. *hug* You're more than welcome.


thelonejuliet March 21 2007, 23:30:32 UTC
Totally good tears! Lol.
I have very little confidence in my writing, so when someone gushes about it like you did, I just get all...well...mushy and such, lol. I have to say that you are the first to bring me to tears!

Thanks again, Love!! *hugs back...again*

And your icon?? Guh.


_touched March 22 2007, 01:23:51 UTC
Aw, well that's good then. ;)

I'm pretty much like that as well, when I write. I've only had a handful of people gush on some of my fics that I've written, the same way that I gushed on yours. But here's the thing...I only gushed like that, because I honestly thought it was amazing. So, you really should have more confidence. ;)

And you're more than welcome again. *hugs*

And aw, thanks.


thelonejuliet March 27 2007, 01:47:15 UTC

I'm glad you thought it was amazing. :)


_touched March 27 2007, 17:42:52 UTC
OT but, your icon is so pretty. *g* I love it.

Ya know, like I love your writing. ;)


thelonejuliet March 29 2007, 03:18:23 UTC
Feel free to steal it, if you want. I love this icon. It's just so...Mark. I love Mark. :)

YOUR icon! Oh, poor poor Angel!! *pets him* I can't even listen to the Rent soundtrack, the "I'll Cover You Reprise," without bursting into tears!

And, since you love my writing (hehe), check this out. It''s kinda like these drabbles. But, there is wincest. Not explicitly, but it's there. In the sweetest way possible, lol.


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