Apr 29, 2014 16:40
Hi everyone!
So, long story short, a psuedo-stalker found my LJ and all my fics. That was fun!....not.
But, something really good came out of it! As some of you know, I walked away from fanfic and the like when I started dating my last boyfriend. It ended up just being a really stressful relationship and I was so desperate for "normal" that I gave up this wonderful thing I was doing. I love writing and I loved writing for all of you!
Then, when that relationship ended (in a text message...yay), I couldn't write. I just couldn't. I had no idea who I was anymore, after 3 years of living with that asshat, so I had to find out. And it has not been easy. Too much self-reflection is not good for the soul... but I'm in such a better place now. I missed me!
When the stalker found all this, I got completely immersed in it - which seems odd, since it was MY fic, but you know what I mean. I have spent the last three weeks re-reading everything on here. And, suddenly I realized - holy crap, I miss this! I miss the fandom and the writing and just having an escape from the mundane real world.
Here is my promise - I am going to start writing again. I will wrap up some of these ongoing 'verses and post new stuff. But, my job is super time-consuming, so I don't know how long it will take to get me the first new story up, and I don't know how often I'll be able to post new stuff.
But! If you all are willing to read and to be my friends again, I swear that I will continue as long as is humanly possible.
I seriously missed you all so much! Group hug!
i'm baaaaaaack