To squee or not to squee: "Don't Ever Change"

Feb 06, 2008 19:42

Under a cut, for spoilers.

This is gonna be broken up a bit more than usual, since, as I'm watching it on the computer, I can review as I go.

Loved the first House Wilson talk, even though it was devoid of any obvious slash. Must paruse it again later.
Hard-rockin' hasidc Jew. Awsome.
Did Yohan remind anyone else of Nathan Lane, at least voice-wise?
House isn't calling her 'Cut Throat Bitch' anymore, at least not to hr face. Intresting.
Dr. Yaweh. XD
"Saw Amber drop off Wilson this morning."
"Yes, the male always drives the female." Minor slash, and funny as hell.
1st mention of Lupus since it actually WAS lupus. Good.
She's not the Anti-Wilson. As I previously posted the character Stu from THIS is the anti-Wilson.
"Oh my God. You're sleeping with me." No denial! just House looking freaked, Wilson looking contemplative/slightly confused, and House running (limping) away. HELL to the YES.
"...And it'll be cool." Classic House.
Manischewitz -flavored koolaid--that's going on the grocery list.
Holy Craptacularity, Wilson moved in with her. O_O

"House, you're right. Why not? Why not date you? It's brilliant. We've known each other for years, we put up with all kinds of crap from each other, and we keep coming back. We're a couple."
"Are we still speaking metaphorically?"
"If you'd used the flashing eyes on me before I was involved...oh well. Sa la vi."
HOLY SHIT. Most slash-tastic conversation EVER. :D

Of COURSE Kutner is a geek. He already mentioned Star Trek Star Wars & Planet of the Apes. :)
Ahh, the spined Cuddy we all know and love has returned. You go girl!...but the Wilson chalk-outline speech was scary. T_T
And Chase is back too. :)
T_T Shabbos
"By God, I of course, mean you." Same old Chase.
Let the Hala scarfing begin! XD

"With Wilson, I know what it's like to have both." Couldn't have been said better by House himself, if he'd ever admit it.

"I've decided you could do worse than a female proxy for me."

WHAT was the sacrifice wink about? I'd like to attach a slashy significance, but I'm really open here.

All in all, a perfect episode. Maybe THE perfect episode, as far as cannon-slash will ever go. BRAVO!

house md, review

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