Jan 29, 2004 15:13
So it's study hall and I finished all the homework that I have to do tonight with ten minutes left which makes me happy because after study hall I have swimming and after that I have dinner and after that I play practice and then I have to come home and not be burdened by homework because I have to pack for Dartmouth. Argh, I almost wrote West Point. Whatever. Alyssa is going to be at this meet which will be cool because Alyssa rocks. Anyway, I have to clean and pack for Dartmouth which will be no fun, but I found my CDs so that will help.
My computer screen is flickering worse than ever. I think that I am going to save my hard drive (because that is the smart thing to do...after losing it three times, I know) and then send my computer into the shoppe. Tear. I'll be computerless for while which will make me very very upset. But whatever. I'll just have to suck it up. Because my computer screen needs to be fixed and I should get my CD drive fixed too. Hopefully Mom won't make me pay but I think it is a little too far over six months and that it won't be under warranty if I need a new computer which means no more new computer for Sarah for four years because we are poor like that. Mom told me that the next time I need a new computer if it isn't under warranty, I need to either pay for it myself or I have to wait until my next turn in the rotation. I have the desktop outside my parents room but I don't think Mom has hooked that up to the Airport yet, but she will if I lose my computer. I won't be able to take my computer to school with me all the time, but it will basically be my computer to use and go online with and everything. And it holds more memory for the tons of music I download and put onto my computer. So I guess I'll be happy no matter what. Unless it doesn't have panther....but I'll just borrow that from Crompton again if it doesn't. Well, the bell is about to ring...just did....so I must be off....
Okay so i walked home from study hall...and in some places, I am walking on grass...and in others, I am knee high in snow because of the stupid wind. I hate winter.