A depressed Sarah is not a pretty Sarah...

Jan 23, 2004 00:21

So I am probably the most hideous thing ever right now. My lips are chapped and my body is dry from the pool, my arms and legs are sore from swimming, my face is pale because I have only eaten carbs for four days straight (oh right...except I just at an entire box of LA Burdrick chocolates that Owen gave me for Christmas) and I am so weak and I'm just hideous. I'm confused and nothing is going right. But whatever...I'll figure it out. That box of chocolates was delicious though....thank you Owen!! I love you!! Well, I am determined to not let my entire year be like my month of January. Because if it is, I am honestly not going to survive the entire year. The only thing keeping me going is Eric and Ashlee and Anna and Alissa and Paloma and my fam...cause I don't want to do to them and make them feel what I felt when that whole thing with Ashlee was going on. I don't want to hurt them. I could care less about myself. So yeah. I have to work on this. The only times I have been really, truly happy during this month have been with the Mamasitas, Ashlee, F-block, and Eric. They all rock times the sideways eight. I miss Pom...her birthday is coming up, day before Valentine's day... :) I wanna talk to her so bad. I love her more than anyone will ever know.

Dates to Remember:
Jan. 28 - Josh's 14th birthday, Talent Show
Jan. 30-Feb. 1 - Dartmouth
Feb. 1 - Superbowl!!!! Let's go, Pats!!!
Feb. 4 - Braces come off, first show of Merchant Of Venice
Feb. 5 - Second show of Merchant Of Venice
Feb, 6 - Max's 16th birthday, final show of Merchant Of Venice, Winter Carnival begins, Parent's Day
Feb. 9 - Free day
Feb. 25 - The Real Inspector Hound show
Mar. 3 - Cooper's 16th birthday/Ian's 14th birthday
Mar. 4 - Vacation begins/everyone leaves campus
Mar. 5 - Garrett's 17th birthday
Mar. 7 - Boys Champs
Mar. 8 - Girls Champs
Mar. 9 - Eric and all the swim boys go home

That's all for now...must sleep...
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