Jan 13, 2004 00:54
When you pass someone on the interstate, has that person ever bright-lighted you? Does that happen to anyone else? Because it happens to me like once a week, and often for no good reason. Like they won't just flash their lights at me, they'll get behind me and keep their bright lights on. A few times it's been because I was tailgating the person because they wouldn't merge right and were holding up traffic, which really pisses me off. And it's not like I was feet from their bumper, just close enough to let them know they were holding people up. I've even seen a couple people merge behind me to bright light me and almost hit other cars in doing so. What the fuck is with other drivers. Don't people that bright light me realize that they're blinding on-coming traffic? Most other people can't drive worth shit mostly because they're afraid of driving or because they're so fucking stupid they shouldn't be given a license to begin with.
I hope that they can see my middle finger with their bright lights.