Jan 06, 2004 01:47
So... where to start?
Christmas was alright. Got a nice little tree and decorated it with John. There was no cursing of the christmas tree this year. Let me explain: we used to cedar trees so when John used to put the lights on it'd prick him like hell so he'd curse at it... thus the cursing of the christmas tree, a saxon family tradition. I myself learned to curse when I was 2. Apparently when I was 2 I yelled across the house for miriam to "shut the damn door!" True story. And if anyone wants to see a cursing priest just wait till Miriam complets her schooling. Ha! But I've strayed. I got my own cue stick, a canteen, 12 wine glasses, an olsen twins calendar, and some other sweet stuff. Everyone seemed to like what I got them for christmas so I think I did well. I spent about a week at the rent's house. Jess and Russell didn't come till the day after christmas, but it's cool. I got to hang out with them for a bit.
For new year's I went out with Jess and Russell to one of their friends house where we all proceeded to get completely wasted. I thought I was doing well for a while. I was nice and sort of drunk and then I became really fucking drunk and didn't even notice the transition. I just tried to stand up at some point and found it incredably hard. But all was well. I woke up on a couch at like 9:30, drove home, took a nap till noon, woke up, and drove back to raleigh. And here I am.
There's some crazyness going around lately. Neal no like this kind of crazyness. Kelly's mom knows that Kelly and I are going out. That's alright, but I'm still watching my back, that woman is crazy. Neal no like. There's some other crazyness that I'm not going to comment on yet, but involves her mom and ashley. I'm going to see how it works out. I know what's going to probably happen, but there's nothing I can do to help that won't be concieved badly and misconstruded so fuck it. I'm just going to sit back and watch. Not my problem and I'm not going to get involved.
I had this really fucking weird dream last night. There's a lot from it that I can't remember, but this I remember pretty clearly: I was married. What's odd is how I was married and who I was married to. We were married in some ceremony that was very odd and very not traditional or christian. It was some sort of naturistic ceremony. And by naturistic I don't mean naked, I mean earthly. It was like there was a vine growing over us and we both put or hands up to it and the vine grew around our fingers. I feel that I knew the man who was conducting this ceremony, but I can't quite figure out who it was. He did have a beard and dark hair though. But the craziest part of this whole thing was who I was married to. Are you ready for this? I was married to Kat. She had a plain silver ring and I had a plain gold one that looked just like my dad's. I remember clearly her putting it on me and me playing with it thoughout the rest of my dream. I've been having these crazy, ammusing, weird dreams lately, I just wish I could remember all of them.
Warning: this paragraph is about football.
I'm rather annoyed with my football game. I've turned it up to the highest difficulty now because the one I was on was absolutly no fun anymore. I think the computer is learning a whole lot faster now. Not only can I not call the same offensive plays, but I can't call the same type of defense from game to game. I just played a game that was rated as the best game ever played. It was against a team that I beat last season 126-0 on the next to highest difficulty. I scored to take the lead with 18 seconds left in the game, it was insane. Damn this is going to be much tougher.
Shit, well that's a short summary of my life lately. Are there any questions?