Jul 09, 2012 01:17
Hey ladies. This is the place to post your secrets! You can do so anonymously. You don't have to be logged in to livejournal or even have an account.
Just a few notes:
1. Try to keep it free of drama. I'm going to go ahead and say this means no secrets about other lolitas. This does not include people like professional models, it's okay to say "I don't really see the appeal of such-and-such lolita celebrity" I guess. But let's keep it classy. :)
2. Text only please! Don't make an image secret like the lolita secret communities use. I will print or write out the secrets and put them in the zine in whatever format makes sense later.
3. I may not use all the secrets posted! It just depends on how many I get, and what sort of variety we have. I would prefer to have too many as opposed to not enough. With any luck, maybe we'll have a future issue and I can use any that I missed.
4.Comments are going to be screened, so for now, you won't be able to see any that have been posted.
That's pretty much it! Thanks for sharing your SEEEEECRETS. :3