(no subject)

Oct 25, 2005 12:43

Seven: a mysterious number. It's the number of Halos in the galaxy, the number that, multiplied by six, gives you the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. In Christian numerology, it's often considered the number of God. It's the number of days in the week and the number of fingers on two and a half hands. And now, it's the latest blogosphere member to spread to me.

Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die:
1) Have kids.
2) Write something that gets published. Anything.
3) Learn French.
4) Work with an amateur theatre group.
5) Eat a deep-fried Mars Bar.
6) Travel into space.
7) Visit Uluru.

Seven Things I Can Do:
1) Endlessly criticize myself.
2) Come up with bullshit that sounds true.
3) Talk at great length without actually saying anything in particular.
4) Tell you exactly what an initiative check is, what CR a Beholder is and the DC of a save against domination.
5) Genuinely respect other people.
6) Argue.
7) Imagine.

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1) Stop crticizing myself.
2) Initiate a conversation with someone without a third party.
3) Finish The Lord of the Rings.
4) Relax in the presence of cats.
5) Eat pumpkin, zuchinni, spinach, or cucumber without the urge to burn off my tastebuds.
6) Drink coffee.
7) Operate a crane.

Seven Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex:
1) Compassion and empathy.
2) Must love books.
3) Zaniness.
4) Understanding
5) Geekiness in its positive aspect.
6) Intelligence.
7) Sense of humour.

Seven Things I Say Too Often:
1) "Fully pretentious and yuppie."
2) "but not in a gay way!"
3) "*headdesk*"
4) "but what if..."
5) "I'm an idiot"
6) "Ooookay"
7) "Nooo."

Seven Celebrity Crushes:
Ummm... none. But let's go for celebrities I consider attractive-looking.
1) Pre-blonde Lindsay Lohan
2) Keira Knightley
3) Emma Watson.
4) Um. You see, I'm not that up on celebrities...
5) yep
6) um, see above
7) woot! number seven!

Seven People Who Should Fill This Out:
1) Rachel
2) Sargon
3) Jarrah
4) Anme
5) Bugsy (okay, techically you don't have a blog. you can post it on someone else's or something)
6) Tag
7) Anybody else who happens to come galumphing on down to my blog.
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