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England: Arthur Kirkland godsavemy July 23 2010, 01:25:24 UTC
Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Constructive Criticism of all sorts about how am I doing as this old chap is welcome here! And is there anything in particular you wish to see from him? I promise to seriously consider whatever you have to say as long as you’re heartfelt in return~

Thank you if you comment! ♥


Re: England: Arthur Kirkland godsavemy July 23 2010, 04:07:41 UTC
For England, one of the big problems I had was his age. Hidekaz made him 23, but compared to the rest of the characters that he would have a history with, 23 is kinda young.

On another hand, the stiff upper lip is in place, and he's not a moe blob of tsunderederedere. It'd be cool to see some more foreign relations and maybe some more history!relations with America, Fransu, Canada, and other European nations. It can be back story too. But you sometimes lack the whole British Empire sadistic part of England that is evidently still a part of him, so it'd be cool to see that side more too.


Thanks for your feedback~ godsavemy July 23 2010, 04:46:05 UTC
H-haha, I'm afraid the age thing is kinda out of my hands since there's a lot of dates that were figured based on Arthur's age (along with the rest of his siblings' ages) and have been remarked upon in a good number of posts. But i-if it makes you feel better, Arthur turned 24 back in April?

And I would love love love to showcase more of that sadistic streak, even if it's just a time warp thread. Siiince that sort of thing is what I imagine what Arthur tries to repress daily as it was so prevalent back in his youthful daaaays. But with the right circumstances... :D


Re: England: Arthur Kirkland godsavemy July 23 2010, 08:29:07 UTC
I agree with the first annon about the British Empire.

Supposedly, British Empire was supposed to be Papa Kirkland, but who says? England was a ruthless conqueror, and I would love to see that darker side of him more.


godsavemy July 23 2010, 17:42:27 UTC
Well, for me Papa Kirkland was only meant to represent the British Empire in the sense that he's the single tie that binds all of the siblings together. Haha, he was just meant to be a convenient justification as to why these group of people (aka countries with British influence) knew each other in a real life setting. He was never supposed to be attributed with the personality aspect associated with the British Empire.

Having said all of thaaat, I'm definitely interested in possibly bringing out the darker shades of Arthur's personality and will certainly try to scheme up some ways this can happen~

Thanks so much for your input!


Re: England: Arthur Kirkland godsavemy July 24 2010, 02:53:28 UTC
There's something that's been bothering me about your England and I'm not sure I can define it, so forgive the rambling about to take place... now.

Don't get me wrong - your application was spot-on, I think you understand your character very well, and you're a strong writer. But sometimes... Arthur is just... blah. He's there, and he's not interesting. In the strips, he wasn't nearly as polite and I think your Arthur lacks a certain temper and aggression that's a bit harder to grow out of than being a wild child teenager ( ... )


Re: England: Arthur Kirkland godsavemy July 24 2010, 03:10:04 UTC
I think you play him really well as a grump but that's all I ever see him do. Canonly, he's a funny character who sees unicorns, knows magic and goes on drunken rampages regularly. I'd like to see him let loose a little more often.

Like the anon above said, even if he doesn't have many friends, he's got tons of history with other characters. I was disappointed that nothing ever became of his run in with the first America. I'm also disappointed that his canon relations are pretty much non-existent here.


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