First of all, I have a pretty new layout here. Credit for it is in my userinfo, but a super big thanks to charlotte (
miss_universe93) for putting it all together for me (and for putting up with my computer illiteracy).
Also, yay for reaching 58 members! Thanks to everyone who has friended me, the newish people and those who have stuck around for a while now. I appreciate all your comments! :) *hugs*
I'm currently in the process of making John Mayer, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Little Miss Sunshine, The Office (The Injury), Entourage and Gale Harold icons. Also, I'm on holidays for the next month, so if anyone has any requests, image (people/movies/etc) or text (lyric/quote icons), just comment here and I'll get to them asap.
thanks guys :D