The Cave

Dec 09, 2004 10:48

Arrrrgh, well the path of dead ninjas eventually led to a cave. At the mouth of the cave lay the crew members the Lemper Pirate brought with him, dead, with their intestines all over the floor. Of course, the ol' Capn' has seen worse things than that, like a fat chick in a halter top, so it didn't phase me much.
We entered the cave and me ears picked up a faint panting in the back. One-Eyed Phil lit up a lantern, to show a coffer lying in the middle of the cave.
"Avast! That be the treasure," I yelled.
Just then, out of the shadows crawled the Lemper Pirate. He was covered in blood.
"This is my treasure, sillies," he panted. "I didn't come all this way for nothing." He pulled out his flintlock and pointed it at me.
"Arrrrr, so it be a duel ye want, swab," I yelled, reaching for me fintlock.
"Don't go near him, lad," One-Eyed Phil said. "The yellow flag above that dog's head be as big as a man o' war. He be infected... by a werewolf."
"Now how do ye know that?"
One-Eyed Phil pointed to the Lemper Pirate's arm. He was bitten.... by a werewolf. I could tell because it was labeled "werewolf bite."
"It's just a mere fleshwound, you poop heads," The Lemper Pirate said. "And by tonight I'll be more powerful than ever before.. mwaaaahahahahahahahaha *cough* *cough*"
"There be one way to kill a werewolf," One-Eyed Phil said. "Silver." He pulled out his silver sabre that he aquired back in The Adventures of One-Eyed Phil Episode F17.
As One-Eyed Phil walked towards him, the Lemper Pirate kept trying to fire his flintlock, but it just kept clicking, for it be unloaded.
Then, in one badass swoop, One-Eyed Phil be-headed the Lemper Pirate.
"So much for that villian appearing in a later part of the story," I said.
"Belay, Jack, and avast, I've got news for ye," One-Eyed Phil said. "I'll be needin ta take this whole coffer of booty. I'll wait for ye to sail off with the Silver Kraken, then I'll be takin the treasure off to me stash on the Lemper Corsair's ship."
"Arrrrr, ye can't just take all the booty like that, ye old salt. We worked together this far."
"Listen, Jack, have I ever steered ye wrong before?"
"Ye'll get yer share of the treasure, as well as all the other treasure I've been collecting over these years... yer hands all will too, but fer now, it must be like this... trust me."
Just realizing the professor had been standing there the whole time, we both turned our deadlights towards him.
"Oh whatever, I don't care," he said.
"Ye'll hhave to keep yer mouth closed on this one, professor," I said.
"Yeah," he answered.
"Well, fair winds then, captain, we'll be meeting again soon," One-Eyed Phil said, and the professor and I shoved off for the Silver Kraken.

Crap, that was a long a boring entry.
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