The Internet Movie Database lists 52 movies (and a handful of TV shows) which use the keywords
man pretending to be gay.
There is not a single movie about women pretending to be gay. Who would've thunk it? How are the movie studios not falling over themselves to produce that definitive light-weight comedy about a Stacy Straight who, for financial or romantic reasons, needs to pretend to be a follower of Sappho all the while trying to snag that gorgeous guy who'd just love her madly if he didn't think she's batted for the other team and so sees her only as a good friend - esp. since she's been forced to take up carpentry and stop shaving her legs.
If I were a cynical person I'd assume it was because it meant casting a woman in the role of a protagonist - a comedy no-no in this day and age.
I for one can't for the life of me understand the appeal of "let's have the straight guy pretend he's gay and hilarity will ensue". Or girl for that matter. Does anyone?