Mar 15, 2004 08:53
I don't know why it was out. I was awake at 3 am and it was on then. It rained last night but why would rain cause the power to go out? Oh right, I have Duke Power and they SUCK! My power goes out all the time, only most of the time it is for a few minutes at a time.
I am just glad I woke up when I did. I usually get up between 6 and 6:15, but I woke up at 6:30 since I had no alarm. Actually, I had a battery alarm that was in my room all last week since it was hideously windy, but when I cleaned my room Saturday, I took it out and put it back in my spare room. Anyway, I took a shower and called Neil to see if the company phone worked (if it didn't, then power was off) since I live maybe 3 miles away. I called Duke Power and they had no estimate for when the power would be back on.
I tried my best to cover up my horrible skin with no lights, towel dried my hair, and came to work. The power was out all the way up to the light that is a block away from work. Dammit! Why couldn't power be out at work!?!?!
Anyway, this is going to be a lovely day. My hair looks bad, but it is now dry so that is a plus!