Feb 11, 2010 21:22
sad songs say so much.
sometimes there are no words. just empty sadness.
i am struggling. but i will not be stuck and i will not break. i am determined.
in other news, i will be participating in bloodwaters 40days of water this lenten season again, with funds going toward the building of wells in africa so that people may have access to clean water, something we take for granted every single day. they also help provide people with medication and doctors and information to help prevent the spread of hiv/aids - clean blood. fabulous group. fabulous project. blessed to be a part of something this big and life-changing for so many. not to mention the fact that it will get me off of caffeine, something i have been weaning off of for some time now for health reasons. i am looking forward to cleansing this lent. cleansing my body, mind, and spirit. shaking loose the things of the past and moving forward in my life.