Dec 05, 2004 12:50
Oh the show is going quite well if I do say so! Tonight is the last one, though. Tear.
Let's see...Friday night my Mom, Frank, Jill, Kristie, Casey, Aunt Tam, Mom-mom Shirl, Jess, Diana, Kate, Brian, Ashley, Mel, and Ash's sister came. Wow that's a lot of people. Oh, and Shan, Robert, and Jason came at like the second half, too. Haha, Shan thought that they would have a blanket or something for Jason, but they didn't, so he was modern Jesus with a Bob the Builder shirt. Well my family thought that was hilarious anyway...
Soo after the show Jess and I drove to her house in NJ. Ahh and SATs II in the morning. Painstaking I tell you! Don't take them unless you have to.
Umm...I picked up Cait at like 5, then we had to get Brian...and I was freakin out cuz I was gonna be late, so Cait called Liz for me, and asked her to get my costume and such. Love you Liz darling!
My dad, Jessie, Jodie, and Jennifer came last night. went rather well...Not. Err...oh yeah, CARLY WAS THERE!!!!! Lauren said, Cara there's Carly, and I ran to her. ooo I miss her soooo much. I drove Moira and Rose to Applebee's; wow those girls are nuts. Lol, the Jesus table. That was fun.
Gah I have a headache. Well, off to eat and get ready!
Check Ya Later,