"What's it about?" Im really bad at answering that question, so here's my attempt:

Jun 19, 2007 22:06

There are no guns in my world; war is fought with grit and skill and blades.  There is no sun, but there is daylight, and there are no stars, but there are glimmers above that give even the most pathetic wretch hope for salvation.  My world is encased in stone and iron but so vast that it is virtually limitless. My world is run by a vicious man who has shed the blood of thousands for his own ambitions, but he is not my King.  Fate controls my world, and the will of the Fates spared my King from death, and keeps him hidden amongst his enemies. My King and his keeper plot the destruction of the vicious man, and the Empire he is trying to build.  For this my King needs The Five.

The Five live in a world with sun, and stars, and moon, and comforts my King could not begin to comprehend, but they are not satisfied. They live as they are taught to, study and act as they are told to, but they know their purpose is far greater than anything textbooks and sunshine can provide.  They each bring with them a purpose, a knowledge, and a history that has been passed to them from every generation before. It is the union of my King and The Five that will bring about the final battle.

They, like my King, are little more than children when they are called to action, but they will grow quickly into seasoned fighters, or they will perish and the final hope of the people will be dashed. They will learn, love, hate, protect, bleed, fight and kill in the name of justice and honor. Unlikely enemies and allies will answer the call from the beautiful palaces of the North, to the untamed forests of the South and every man woman and child must choose their side and stand by it. My world is one of war and chaos, but with the promise of peace and unity.

That's what they are about

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