Apr 24, 2006 22:44
LAst week was break.
Coming back to Don Bosco Day Care was the greatest thing ever. It's just the first day back, but today was sweeter than any day on the break. Here's why.
- Get to school, and we are provided with our new school uniform, ultimate frisbee jerseys.. UNDER ARMER NIGGGGER......GET BIIGG SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
- first period public speaking just curse off our teacher and fuck around
- third period gym = hardwood with sweet gerety and guy fox AKA peg freshman with the volleyball as hard as you can.
- Long period = calc AKA "AP Not-Doing-It" this started with massive anal rapage of jason wong (the best one all year) and as soon as Barry started cracking jokes everyone shouted WOO! and weird yelling noises untill lunch.
- Lunch = pimping in our jerseys and the cafeteria brings back LEBRON FUCKING JAMES!! -> drinking that shit makes you big.
- back to ap calc = this time AKA "AP-KKK" The most rascist 20 minutes i've ever experienced in my life. Quoting Chappelle and expressing hatred of N!!gaz. (i was extremely offended due to my African-American heritage)
- Maka's class last period = Brian Callahan pushing me out as soon as I get in saying "Daniel, Were going to the Cafeteria!"
Maka deads us so we haev to sign up for this gay project and Maka asks who takes AP classes. Trevor went up to sign up, and Callahan starts cracking up loudly and shouts, "Trevor, you're not in AP classes Trevor!! You're black!" I was again deeply offended by those cracker's remarks about my ethnicity.
- After school = power nap untill 6
- Around 7 Campbell comes over and we go to "................" <---- shit is confidential .
- about 7:30 we both get extremely hungry. we call bitches to make us dinner
we call
-campells mom
-my mom
and mores but i'm way too drunk to remember.
the rest of the night was one big fucking blur.
I think I remember stopping at liv's house to use her sweet microwave and heat up some food, but noone was there so we hopped to the bailey's and tim's sister comes to the rescue and make us hot dogs.
I'm so drunk i need to go to sleep.
PS i'm taking off wednesday, and next wed, thurs this camp shit is too stressful.