we were supposed to have him cut out of the 4th of July, but I think we're pushing it back a week now to the 11th. I'm worried about our dates being off, and I'd rather go into labor before the c-section date than take him out too soon and have possible lung problems.
I went through 23 hours of natural unmedicated labor before my body shut down and I became unresponsive. Clementine is above the 99th percentile in head size and has been since birth. She couldn't fit through my bone structure because of this, and was born with a halo bruise around her skull. I get so mad when I hear people use the "your body wont make a baby it can't handle" line, because it's 100% not true. My emergency c-section was the best thing that could have ever happened, I'm pretty sure it saved both Clementine and myself.
All of my friends who have had repeat c-sections have said that the second (planned) ones were SO different and so much better than the first time around.
Also I hope your pregnancy is going well for you!
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