Hello everyone, and welcome back! I've been a busy little beaver these last couple of weeks; I'm still getting caught up on backorders and now that a lot of the heavy work is done I'll keep cranking out replies and delivering packages.
There are a lot of new changes at the Nook; please click the LJ-cut to see what's up!
In the last couple of weeks I’ve added:
1. A refurbished Web site....which had been sorely neglected and definitely needed an
update. I've added pricing charts for the Nook's various services, updated the schedule, and added some extra contact info.
2. Skype access. If you’ve got any questions for me that you'd like to ask directly, give me a ring at the-little-nook; starting on Tuesday or Wednesday I'll be online during my "office hours". :P
3. Moderate price increases. Unfortunately, after looking over my bookkeeping I realized I needed to raise prices slightly in a few areas, but pending orders will be billed under the old system. Convention pick-up services, Y!JA auctions, online orders, and circle requests will see modest increases; these changes are listed on the Web site and will make their way to this community shortly. But the silver lining is that the Nook can now afford...
4. A few extra sets of hands. IMO this is the most exciting addition of all-we’ll be adding not one, but two assistant moderators to our corner of cyberspace.
itsmyisland2 (Alex Graham) and
impishnook (Shane Hendrix) are co-workers I’ve known for a couple of years, and I'm confident they'll be able to handle your orders and requests with the same passion I do. Alex will be dropping by on Fridays and Mondays (Japan Standard Time) and Shane will be around mainly on Tuesdays, but possibly other times if his schedule allows it. Neither one will be here as often as I am, but expect the reply turnaround time for current and future orders to decrease in the near future.
And now for a brief message from both-first of all, Alex:
*hands her bullhorn off*
I've been brought in on the back of a grand reputation for pushing buttons, to help push more buttons than the Little Nook has ever had pushed before. I sprouted from a small town on the Isle of Wight in England and have made it all the way to a small chou in Osaka. Alicia scouted me out teaching English in a small booth not unlike her own.
My background is in Zoology, which I’ll use to my best ability in my new role as administrator, so don’t be surprised if I drop a few unexpected animal facts in to spice things up. Aside from pushing buttons in Little Nooks, my interests are fairly broad, but do not include golf, unless it’s the crazy kind.
My role here is to assist with correspondence, and I’ll be as assisty as possible. As such, you can start hoping for a message from me once in a while (as opposed to Alicia). I look forward to pushing buttons with you.
And last but not least, Shane:
*gently nudges him forward*
Driving away at a plastic keyboard, eyes fixated on a flickering screen, Alicia discovered me hidden away in a cubicle in downtown Osaka, Japan. Temping me with treats and fables of a world outside my four walls, I was finally coaxed (albeit screaming and kicking at first) out into a land of magical wonders such as stars, trees, and human beings; all the things I had read about on the Web and seen on Flickr.
In my previous life before teaching, my original cubicle resided in Australia and had a big shiny sign calling me a system engineer. Office dwellers wandered past and pointed in wonder. I didn't mind. My world extended beyond their walls, the oceans, the countries, through cables and caffeine into the infinity of imagination.
Soon I was catapulted across seas, into the land of Japan. It's from here that I await our digital paths to cross. I hope you'll say hi sometimes.
And that’s the news for now--I'm still planning on offering doujinshi for sale, but bringing our new mods up to speed would be more beneficial to all of us, methinks, and that plus backorders were my top priorities while I was on hiatus. Keep watching for even more changes in the next week or so. 0:)
Summer is coming and bringing barbecues, conventions, and lazy warm days along in a nice picnic basket. We’re looking forward to hearing about your adventures and your requests as well; keep those comments and queries coming, everyone! *waves cheerfully*