The Friday Update!

Apr 18, 2009 07:00

Hello everyone, Happy Friday (or Saturday for that matter), and hope you're well! Here's a down-and-dirty summary for how things went at the Nook this week:

1. Backorders. I've been slowly making my way through the list and have a few standing orders that need to be filled, and sorry to keep you few remaining people waiting. *bows* But I've got an extra day off coming up and am planning on hitting my email Inbox and comments list Sunday and Monday. If you asked me to order an item for you (like an amazing wig or special edition manga box, you know who you are!) you're in luck. :P

2. Current Orders: In spite of being slammed much harder than usual at my regular job this week I was able to send out all orders promptly after receiving your payments, and held onto the titles for people who requested them. Expect to see more shipping notifications over the weekend.

And now for the weekly sales update!

A. Hetalia: SuFinns are currently rarer then hen's teeth, but I was able to find several nice America, Belarus, and Canada-based works, along with a cute Spain x Romano. I've also got my eye on a nice item for you guys, and will be putting up a special entry with the details in the next couple of days.

B. FKMT: It's a real thrill to see a few Fukumoto doujinshi on the store shelves, and I added a cute-in-the-quirky-Fukumoto-way Kazuya x Kaiji Valentine's Day anthology to the " New" section.

C. Persona4: Some unusual, high-quality Souji x Yosukes were added to this entry, along with a lovely Souji x Naoto and some Dojima-based works.

And that's what's going on in this corner of the world! In response to a few queries from friends yes, I am definitely planning on going to Super Comic City in two weeks, but would like to hold off on processing requests for this event a bit longer--I want to get caught up as much as possible with people who haven't heard from me before I think about the next convention.

So if you don't mind hanging onto your wish lists for a couple more days, we'll both be ready to go...thanks again everyone, and see you around! *waves and yawns and heads to bed*
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