The Wednesday Update!

Mar 19, 2009 13:41

Hello everyone, happy middle-of-the week! Because of HaruComi and Sunday's upcoming Comic City this week's update is a bit on the light side:

1. Hetalia: I've added a new America x Japan, plus a few Belarus, France, and Sweden-based used titles.

2. Reborn: I've handled several requests for Reborn! doujinshi in the past and present, but for the first time a pretty new anthology has made it to my sale pages.

I've been plugging away with Y!JA requests, HaruComi correspondence, and miscellaneous orders; my schedule for the next week will look like this:

Thursday: The bulk of HaruComi package shipping and shipping notifications.
Friday and Satuday: Comic City order confirmation, manning this outpost and sending out some overdue email, plus shopping trips to try and find sold-out and rare titles.
Sunday: COMIC CITY! Plus a lot of boring-but-necessary administrative work. ,-_-,
Monday and Tuesday: Comic City order notifications.
Wednesday: The bulk of Comic City package shipping and shipping notifications.

I'll still be making trips to the post office to mail packages, answering email, and so on over the next few days but what's listed above will be what I'm focusing on. If I get everything done ahead of schedule I can ship Comic City orders out early, but otherwise will be shooting for a Wednesday ship date.

And that's the way things always, take care and don't hesitate to tell me what's up!
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