Aug 03, 2005 02:35
Have you ever noticed how everybody is crazy? Just sooo flippin crazy. I guess the main reason I am saying this is the thought that just came to me about how much we judge ourselves by what other people say and do. Like for some simple examples if we are single and we see a couple holding hands or something it bothers US. When really it has nothing to do with us and there is really no reason why it should make us feel anything at all except MAYBE happy for that couple but there is really even no reason for that. Then there is stuff when we are in a relationship (family friendship and acquaintances included) where if somebody doesn't call or somebody says something about someone else or somebody just makes a random comment about life or people in general we take it on ourselves(either for or against who we are of what we believe). Like if somebody says something about how attractive somebody else is it makes us feel less attractive when in reality the other person's attractiveness has nothing to do with our own. If somebody says something that is contrary to our views or that because of our own views we find offensive or something we make this big deal either in our minds or verbally where we get angry and ready for battle or something when the fact of the matter is what the other person believes has nothing to do with us and the chances of us changing their minds or them changing ours are probably quite small and both people would probably be better off if we just didn't pay too much attention to it. It is so hard to "just discuss" things I guess. If you care about a subject something happens and you just feel the need to speak your mind even if it isn't going to do anybody any good. Then there is the thing where if somebody doesn't call we think they don't care about us when maybe they are just damn busy or just don't feel like calling or don't want to spend the money to call or even don't have a phone at the moment or any other number of reaons. But hell even if the person doesn't call(or does anything else) for the main reason that they just don't care about you that much so what? That doesn't say anything about us personally. It doesn't say we are bad people. It just says that maybe that relationship isn't all it's cracked up to be or maybe there are too many obstacles in the way of that relationship now and we need to move on or at least update the criteria of the relationship or something to make it more accepting of more distance and less attention even if it is just for a while. I don't really know what brought this all on. I guess I just get annoyed when stuff like that happens to me or to other people. We (myself definately included) all need to start taking things far less personally. Who you are and more importantly how good, bad, brilliant, wonderful, stupid, worthless, fat, skinny, beautiful, or ugly you are depends on nothing other than how you view yourself. Other people's opinions really can't change a damn thing. I mean even if someone thinks your beautiful if you disagree with them then nothing they can say will convince you otherwise and any thing they let slip that you can in anyway take to fit your negative view you will just latch onto it like a crazy person. CRAZY!!!!!!! Self-esteem is a very powerful thing I guess. What the hell am I talking about?.............oh yeah! nothing important. PEACE AND LOVE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!