Jan 13, 2009 00:43
I've been quite the bum this break... But I've been doing some stuff as well... (Probably not enough...) It's like, there's too much time, but not enough time all at once.
Finished my thesis in time, of course! Yes! And passed all my classes! Lowest grade was a C+ in the class I felt I deserved it in. Otherwise, everything is pretty well with that... For my piece, I also got to submit it to an animation festival! I'm pretty sure they got it and I'll find out in February if I'm in or not. Whoo~ Going to try for more festivals as well. I really want to get music composed for my sand piece as well for submitting to festivals. ^^ I think I like how I did on that piece more, but I'm fairly satisfied with the outcome of my thesis as well. All in hopes of getting my name out there/networking and hoping for a some job opportunites~ I barely have stuff for a resume... @_@;
I've been checking out some summer internships as well... I'm hoping more for stuff on the east coast, but a lot of good stuff seems to be dominant on the west coast... Curse you WC! Though you're still pretty cool, California... xP The search continues.
I uh... finally finished Twilight Princess today. xD It was pretty sweet. Argh, there's so many games I have to finish!!! Such a bad habit. xP With TP, I just needed to enter the castle and take care of stuff there. With Wind Waker, I just need to jump down that pit and finish my battle with Ganon. xD (that's at the very very end) And FFVIII and X... There's just a bunch of stuff I need to finish, but I keep wanting to play more games. Crazy. xD
Heading back to Philly on Thursday and starting school on Tuesday. My schedule for this upcoming semester shouldn't be too stressful either. I shall see about getting a job during the semester, hopefully. I want to preoccupy myself again. I'm kinda excited for school to start up again. Minus some stresses at the apartment, we'll see what happens... But yeah.
Get to see the boy this Saturday. =) Things are all right... It can get tough, but... I'm toughing it out. Can't expect perfection and hearts and flowers all the time. Batteries. Side by side. Yeah... I'd say it was a mutual no Christmas gift thing... But I got him something small for the next occasion. xP Probably V-Day...? I hope he likes it... I'm not all like, "RAH, I better get something for Valentine's Day! RAHH!" I'm not expecting anything, really. But... it'd be a really lovely surprise if he did do something. >////< I don't need extravagance at all. But this will technically be my first "official" V-day with someone. Yes, I suppose I am thinking a bit ahead... I mean, I don't know what could happen tomorrow, let alone next month, or a couple years. But I'm just... hoping and thinking. And hoping.
I still need to get together with all the girls before I go back!! All 5 of us haven't been together yet... Let's hope it'll happen tomorrow/today. =D
MY GOD, I'm going to be fucking 21 in April. O.O!! I realized I'm... kinda scared of the future. I gotta work on things more so that I won't be.
<3 Max...