Name: Kitty
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Other Characters Played: That’d be a no~ I’m new around these parts.
Preferred Housing: N/A
Character Name: Officially, she is Garnet til Alexandros XVII. Her alias/nickname is Dagger.
Character Series: Final Fantasy IX
Character Age: 16
To the wikia we go~!Personality: When the story begins, Garnet is an emotionally smothered girl who is tired of having her opinion belittled. She aspires to be bolder without really knowing how. For a large part of the game, her emotions are unstable, and she lacks major self-confidence. She feels increasingly helpless because of this, and it doesn't help that her voice is constantly drowned out or stifled whenever she attempts to raise it.
Because of her royal upbringing, she is polite and considerate, but lacks street smarts and is naive about life beyond the castle walls. Garnet is innocent, sheltered, and very cordial, so much so that at the beginning of her journey it is determined by herself and the other party members that she must learn to act like a commoner. Having never been directly affected by it, she doesn’t understand the concept of war, poverty, or the many vices humans fall prey to, and often rushes into dangerous situations without having realistically weighed the hazards. She does this countless times, like when she escaped from the castle and entrusted her life to bandits; ran at the clearly psychotic Black Waltz III in order to interrogate him about her mother; jumped off the gargant’s carriage in Gargan Roo to rush at a huge monster (we’re talking mini-boss material, and she does this again later on and the new monster’s bigger and scarier looking); or when she ditches her bodyguard Steiner to traipse about the perpetually-dark city of Treno, infamous for its high crime rate, alone. Even characters in-game point out that she shouldn’t be wandering around on her onesome!
Garnet has romantic notions in her head about what life is like, because she had spent most of her years up until she met Zidane within a bubble that contained an ideal, shining world. This made her blind to the bad intentions of others, in particular those of Queen Brahne. Garnet was very reluctant to believe that her mother had become sick with greed. She is shocked more than once by the queen’s actions, and is often hesitant to believe the truth, even when her life is in peril because of it.
Like any princess, the rules of etiquette and elite society have been drilled into her head from infancy, making her graceful and refined. Contrary to what might be expected, living a privileged life has not raised Garnet to be arrogant or spoiled; she has not lost touch with compassion, and cares deeply for her subjects. In fact, it is her title as princess and love for her mother, Queen Brahne, and the people of her kingdom that makes her feel obligated to do more than bystand.
Despite seeming meek and being constantly written off as delicate and inept, in her heart Garnet has a sturdiness fortified by an equally strong will. In the instances that it emerges, she pulls off rather daring stunts, such as her escape from Alexandria Castle in the beginning of the game. Later, she even tricks her own friends into eating food laced with sleeping weed so that they can't prevent her from returning to Alexandria. Her sense of duty and the steadfast support of her friends makes her bold. When she feels compelled to act, she’s no longer a milquetoast; no existing force on Gaia can stand in her way.
Another admirable quality of Garnet’s is that as the game progresses and things go steadily and surely from bad to worse, Garnet despairs and sheds her childlike notions about the world, but she does not grow cold or cynical from experience. She is forever a warm, caring girl, regardless of the trials she endures.
One of Garnet’s weaknesses, however, is that on her list of priorities she comes in dead last, and her royal responsibilities take precedent over most everything, though not to the point where it will eclipse her love for her friends. When faced with a problem she withdraws, blaming herself as the cause of whatever went wrong (e.g., the destruction of every kingdom on the Mist Continent, including hers). She becomes uncomfortable with sharing her thoughts and feelings with others, making it difficult for her to process emotions. This can sometimes lead to guilt or regret on her part: "I should have said something ..." or "I should have done that instead ..." She is quick to blame herself when things go wrong. If she is truly devastated or traumatized, she could become mute, as she did when Kuja destroyed Alexandria with her Eidolon Bahamut.
In many ways, Garnet is like a bird that had lived most of its life cooped up in a cage; only after much coaxing was she freed and allowed to take wing. Because of Zidane and her friends, she takes charge of her life. She becomes sure of her actions and emotionally stronger in order to deal with what happened around her. Her adventures introduced her to what life was really like, not just the sugarcoated version she had always known. Garnet may have started out a rather helpless girl, but in the end she emerged with confidence, maturity, and wisdom, prepared to be a good queen.
• Summon: Allows Garnet to call forth creatures that support the party by dealing elemental damage. This ability is unique to her and Eiko, who joins the party later in the game. Each summon is obtained with a certain precious stone (ex. a Topaz will make Ifrit available.) The Eidolons Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Leviathan, Atomos, Odin, Bahamut, and Ark are specifically hers. Alexander is only available once in-game, and must be summoned by Eiko and Garnet as a team.
• White Magic: Spells that help to support the party and deal status ailments to enemies.
- Cure: Restores health to the target of the spell.
- Panacea: Nullifies Poison or the stronger Venom. A lesser, more specific version of Esuna, which removes all status ailments.
- Protect: Casts a glowing shield-like barrier around its target and deflects half the power of a physical attack. A temporary spell that lasts three turns.
- Shell: For the duration of three posts, a shimmering ring places itself around Garnet or an ally. This halves the strength of a magical attack.
- Blind: Releases a cloud of black smoke that hangs in the enemy's face, which reduces accuracy.
- Confuse: Sends a barrage of lilting music notes towards the enemy to inflict Confusion. This can cause the enemy to make erratic decisions in a fight, like attacking his or her allies or even themselves.
- Mini: Shrinks enemies down into cute, hand-held versions of themselves. Greatly lessens the strength of physical attacks.
- Silence: "..." Sound familiar? This spell mutes an enemy so that they cannot cast magic.
Note: These status ailments last for three turns and can be fixed in less time accordingly (corresponding Item, Esuna, deus ex machina, etc.)
• Eidolon: A power that is only available when Garnet has achieved Trance, which is brought on by a surge of powerful emotion or sustaining many enemy attacks. This gives her a boost in summoning, not to mention a costume change. When in Trance, Garnet is able to summon a single Eidolon which will appear multiple times at random or to perform a counter-attack for her. There is also a higher chance of the Eidolon using a more powerful attack. The Eidolon is dismissed once her Trance bar is depleted.
Sample Entry:
[A young female is seated beside the open window of what appears to be a typical teenaged girl’s bedroom. Her posture is carelessly perfect, as though it comes naturally, but her expression, turned skyward, is unsettled. Whatever it is that’s on her mind, it isn’t making her happy.]
“What a strange place this is…” [She scans the tiny backyard, manicured and identical to the next one over a white picket border.] “…So unlike my Alexandria in every way.” [With a resigned sigh, she looks down to the framed photograph in her lap, in which she is gathered around a table with three other young women who are complete strangers to her, though her “mother”, equally unfamiliar, insists that they are her closest friends.]
“But my mother is dead.” [She says this under her breath, afraid of being overheard. The girl sets the photograph back on the nightstand where she found it and stands, running her hands over the skirt of her new, bizarre dress.] “Perhaps those three will know something. Yes, they must.” [And with that, she exits the room in search of her so called “BFFs”. It can only go steeply downhill from here.]