Well, sometimes when I'm stuck for a design for an icon I look at other people's icons for different techniques and styles so I'm compiling a list of inspirational icons which I will continue to update as I go along. Just click the icon for it's maker!
The Inspirational Icon List )
My FINAL icon post will be up sometime this week, and then a post with all my awards will be up. Just thought I'd let you know...
And I never got my dream to come true :(
But I'll still be around, checking out your work!
Are you sure that you can't get it off e-bay cheap or something?!
Haha, to be nominated at Hp_awards :p Basically everyone has it, but it's easy to see why.
OH! I made that one for Good Vs. Evil. I looked though all my HP screencaps and that was the best G Vs. E pic I could find.
Thanks :D
And don't worry about the noms, maybe I'll get one when I come back into icon making..
I came home from school today and, after sitting two exams (maths and english) with an hour left (after maths) and 20 minutes left (after english) I realised that the two A4 pieces of paper that I had drawn HP characters on whilst bored were rather worn out. So, I thought about how, if I had PSP9 still, I could easily fix them up. I spent ages looking for the disk, to no avail. My dad came home after a while and joined in.
No luck.
We both gave up, and he told me to check Ebay.
So I do! And for once in my life, I was truck with luck. For £10 I could get 1 Paint Shop Pro 9 disk. Just the disk.
The disk was all I had lost!
I pulled the 'I'm so innocent' act with my dad and after reading £10 and realising it was the only chance he had to stop me from shouting so much, he caved.
I am expecting PSP9 through the post any day now!
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