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Nov 04, 2010 17:58

NAME: Mandy.
AGE: 24
JOURNAL: tyriangalley
IM: seasonsofmists86
E-MAIL: drunkencynic@gmail.com
RETURNING: 1, Ted Kord

FANDOM: Harry Potter
CHRONOLOGY: A month or so after certain events during his fifth year, in which he saves one of his best friend’s lives, and also the life of his best enemy, I guess.
CLASS: Hero! He will probably keep said dog tags, because he thinks they’re cool.
ALTER EGO: James Potter! ...Student and general all-around ~amazing guy~.

First off, he’s a wizard, Harry -- well, he’s a wizard. From 1975, as it happens! The wizarding world exists along with the human (muggle) world, though they try their best to keep things undercover. The only direct contact (other than intermarrying) the wizarding world has with Muggles is through their government, via the Minister of Magic and the Prime Minister, if you live in England. Which James does. There are, of course, occasional slip-ups, but those are easily taken care of with memory charms and stern warnings to the wizards involved in such events. There also happen to be some wizards who are intent on taking over both the wizarding and Muggle worlds -- namely, Lord Voldemort. He’s been around since before James was born, but has recently started on a bid for power not seen in the wizarding world since World War II. It’s not completely horrible, but there are a disturbing number of ‘disappearances’ and deaths happening.

Anyway, James is from a pureblood wizarding family, the only child of elderly parents. They aren’t of the ‘we’re better than everyone else’ type, though, just the ‘we’re going to spoil our son a bit’ type. Not much detail is gone into concerning James’ childhood, but we can assume he got most everything he wanted and was allowed to run a bit rampant around his parents’ house, which didn’t exactly help when he started school at Hogwarts. He was, however, fairly popular as a youngster -- mischievous, of course, but usually they were harmless pranks. When he was eleven, he began to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry -- where all British children with magical powers go to be schooled. Once there, they are sorted into four different houses, depending (usually) on their dominant personality traits. Hogwarts was a new and exciting place for him -- away from parents, with new friends, he could get up to anything he liked. He promptly did exactly that, and made fast friends with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew along the way.

They were all sorted into the same house together, Gryffindor, and were roommates throughout their years at Hogwarts. They eventually began to call themselves the ‘Marauders’, and were pretty much the terror of Hogwarts in the early 70s. For the most part, all four boys were intelligent, mischievous, and a bit too clever to do normal things like stay in the dorms after lights out. Besides, when one of the number has an invisibility cloak, the temptation is very hard to resist. James took an immediate dislike to one boy, Severus Snape, and tended to gang up with Sirius on him. Their mutual enmity continued to grow, and matters weren’t helped by the fact that Severus was good friends with Lily Evans, a Muggleborn witch James had had a crush on since almost the first time he’d met her. (She’d broken his nose after he’d turned Severus’ hair pink. James has a very odd idea of love at first sight.)

By their third year, James, Sirius, and Peter found out a very interesting secret that their friend Remus had been keeping from them -- namely, the fact that he was a werewolf. In an effort to help Remus through his monthly transformations (and possibly just for the challenge/fun of it), the other three Marauders decided to teach themselves to become Animagi -- that is, wizards or witches who can transform into animals at will. They managed this very difficult feat by the age of fifteen, and began accompanying Remus on his monthly escapades in the Forbidden Forest. This accomplishment did not help matters with Snape at all, as Snape was clever, sneaky, and absolutely determined to find out why Remus disappeared once every month. Wanting to get James and Sirius in trouble as well did nothing except make the idea more appealing to him. One full moon, Snape annoyed Sirius enough that Sirius snapped and inadvertently pointed him towards where Remus generally spent the nights of the full moon; without considering the possible consequences. Once James found out about this, he promptly ran off to stop Snape from finding Remus, and saved Snape’s life in the process. This just increased Snape’s dislike for James and the rest of the Marauders, and the Gryffindors’ actions did not improve their relationships.

One day near the end of fifth year, James, being a very bored and jerky fifteen-year-old, decided to have some fun at the expense of Snape. He ended up humiliating the young Slytherin in front of practically the whole school and Lily Evans, which did not make Snape happy at all, considering he had a crush on her as well. When Lily called out both James and Snape on it, Snape said some very harsh things to Lily and promptly ended their long friendship. James and Snape’s hatred of each other did nothing but increase after that, though James quickly realized how much of an ass he had been. I’ll be taking him from shortly after this point in the books, right near the end of his fifth year at Hogwarts.


James is a bit of a conundrum, really. He’s a Gryffindor through and through, with all of the good and bad that comes with being in a house where being foolishly daring is sometimes a bonus. On the one hand, he spent most of his teenage years (thus far) acting like a complete ass, but he’s also one of the greatest friends anyone could have. He’s arrogant, true, but he has good reason to be, at least in his opinion. He is really very much like Sirius, which could be one reason why they’re such good friends.

James was raised an only child in a well-to-do wizarding family, used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it. He grew used to this quickly, and that arrogance and love of attention stayed with him when he moved on to Hogwarts at the age of eleven. He has a bit of a temper, but usually manages to keep it under control, unless he’s being egged on needlessly or Severus is at all involved. He is a Gryffindor, so he does tend to be reckless, but he tries to keep that in check. He has become a bit more grounded, most especially after recent events concerning Severus and Remus, and tends to think before he acts quite a lot more than he used to.

His intelligence can be both an asset and a hindrance to him. He is very intelligent, one would have to be to have become an Animagus at the age of 15. However, that intelligence inspires laziness, since he’s quick to learn most of the more difficult things about magic. Classes are fun, sure, but only the ones he considers interesting. When he’s bored, he usually turns his brains to finding some way to make things more interesting, most often by wreaking havoc of some kind. There’s a reason he and Sirius were the terrors of Hogwarts.

James is smart, granted, and sometimes a bit of an arrogant stubborn prick, but he’s also one of the greatest friends anyone could have. He’s loyal and loving (to a fault, sometimes), trustworthy, and will never leave anyone in the lurch. No, not even Snape. He will undertake the seemingly impossible for his friends, give Sirius a good talking to when he needs it, and sometimes just does completely outrageous things to make someone he cares about smile. He’ll defend any of his friends to the death, which will not exactly bode well for him. But that’s another story. He has a bit of an automatic dislike for people who are needlessly cruel, prejudiced and biased. It brings out the worst in many of the purebloods he know, and he doesn’t exactly realize that he does quite a lot of that. He is learning, though, however slowly it may be. If he sees someone being hurt or feels something is wrong, he will step in and help out, consequences or not.

Were he not madly in love with one Lily Evans, he would probably be a bit of a flirt. As it is, he’s charming, funny, and a bit of a show-off, which has endeared him to quite a few girls (and possibly boys) at Hogwarts. Impressing Sirius (and Lily) is first and foremost in his mind, which explains quite a few of his more outrageous adventures. He likes being the center of attention, generally. James is possessed of a rather amazing ability to charm himself out of most bad situations -- comes in handy for getting out of detentions, at least when he can manage it. He is aware, however, that showing off is one of his faults, and is gradually attempting to change that. Usually when Lily Evans is around.


Magic! That is to say, the general spells a fifth-year student at Hogwarts would know. The big ones are defense spells, mostly, and James tends to have talent in transfiguration. They also study potions, charms (general spells that you need a wand to cast), and divination, among other things. For the purposes of the City, James will have his defense training to rely on, transfiguration, and, of course, his animagus form, a large stag. He will need his wand for most if not all of his spells, since mentally casting a spell tends to be very difficult and takes a lot of concentration. This is not helpful when you’re sharing the mind of a stag in heat.

COMMUNITY POST (FIRST PERSON) SAMPLE: [The video opens on a close up on a messy head of black hair and a pair of brown eyes and glasses staring fascinated at the camera, grinning broadly.]

This thing is brilliant! On my way to detention with Filch, then I end up here? I’ll take that any day. Figuring out Muggle contraptions is loads more fun than polishing trophies for the five hundred and eleventh time. Though I suppose he could have had something more evil in mind, he had a suspciously creepy smile when I saw him last time. [He pulls the camera back and tugs at his dogtags thoughtfully, then runs a hand through his hair, which just serves to make it even messier.]

Can’t say I’ve ever ended up in America before, and I can’t apparate yet, so I s’pose ...[There’s a little pause.] I don’t suppose there are any wizards here? Or anyone that knows how to get me back to Hogwarts?


There were many things James Potter would not put up with. One of them went by the name of Severus Snape. The others were a bit less important, but they generally involved someone insulting one of his friends. This time, a small group of Slytherins had been making entirely rude and unwarranted comments about Lily Evans. Of course, he knew full well Lily could take care of herself. She’d shown him that more than enough times, usually with him as an example. This, though, was just pointless and cruel, and James was going to make sure those Slytherins regretted their words. It was time to plan.

He’d sent a message to the rest of the Marauders earlier that day, during potions They were all to meet in the common room after lights out, no need for the invisibility cloak or the Map tonight. James was there a bit early, dreaming up all sorts of interesting things to do to the Slytherin common rooms. Dungbombs in the seat cushions? Perhaps. Or maybe they could just change everything into Gryffindor colors. No, no, this was different. This was for the honor of Evans. This prank had to be special. It was probably best if he waited for Sirius and Remus to arrive. They always had good ideas for him.


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