dear yuletide writer

Nov 20, 2011 20:45

dear yuletide author:

so despite having been an off-and-on again member of fandom at large for quite a long time now, this is in fact my first yuletide. i'm pretty excited about the whole thing, i must say. i'll keep it pretty short and sweet. in general, i'm not really into hurt (but who doesn't like comfort? hugs are nice.) or real rejection (fandom clichés win.) or real embarrassment (see: real rejection). things i love: snappy dialogue, friends sort of moving into that dating thing (also fake dating), random pop culture references, smartly ridiculous behavior.

• request 1: suits - queer as folk is reborn, people, in so, so many ways. harvey/mike preferred, donna and jessica being most amazing highly encouraged. old established, new to it, just getting to it, you pick, i'm down!

• request 2: new girl - i wasn't sure where they lived at first, except i knew it couldn't be new york because look at the size of that loft. schmidt, schmidt, schmidt, we can have fat!schmidt backstory, we can have schmidt/cece (encourged though she was not nominated boo), we can have wise-cracking schmidt+winston, not really into jess/schmidt but schmidt+jess gen <333333. i do like the idea of eventual jess/nick, but jess/paul has so much potential for sheer ridiculous in the meantime.

• request 3: sports night - danny+dana gen forever. group gen forever. i love isaac and jeremy and mostly natalie and kim and yeardley smith (and the estate of mildred and patty hill). i'd be super into casey/dana if casey were someone entirely different, so if you can fandom conceit that into something stellar, i'm with it! and i like exclamation points.

(if it helps your insight at all, i offered to write suits and sports night, as well as both nominated arcade fire the suburbs formats, community, and raising hope. my former fandoms are here at memories, also includes popslash, harry potter, project runway s2, and viva la jackass.)

[ETA: had i chosen rarer fandoms, they'd've been the royal tenenbaums, clueless, and metropolis. oooh, next year.]

all of the thanks in advance, my appreciation is already great.

make your own fun

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