eff you, la nina.

Aug 12, 2007 01:39

okay, so we've been subject to the heat wave all week, sure. it's not just us. it goes way north and east.

it's moving next week, right? EXCEPT WE WILL STILL BE WITHIN ITS RANGE. WE WILL BE ON THE EDGE. goddammit.

the heat index was 108º when i went outside to take cover at 9p. eff that, man. but gerard would be proud. i took it like a man in my lightweight classic black hoodie. but my awesome hair had to go up in a hairtie. it had to get off my face.

OMG SO. mimesere is brilliant and i am still attempting to convince her to be my blushing bride FOR SHE IS BRILLIANT. i called her to bitch about the heat, and she says "i think you need to write the [shhh. it's a secret!] AU." and the notes started springing all athenalike from my forehead. why is she smarter than me, dude? also, i do not know that i have really ever written an AU. so we will SEE how it goes. i think it will be awesome once it hits beta. which, y'know, i have to write it first.

cimorene111 is coming back to the states and i am SUPEREXCITED to go see her. i will bring my PR dvds and my darling sugar magnolia and a hoodie she can take to wax and possibly whatever random fan merch i can pick up at corporate whore emo headquarters, hot topic.

ps: bandwhatever really does bring all the gay to the yard. good goddamn, people.

kiss the rain, bandwhatever

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