i will eat your head, maybe.

Aug 14, 2010 23:07

Day 13 - Favorite childhood book OR current favorite YA book (or both!)
I couldn't find a picture of the original Swedish cover, but this book! It's called Storm-Stina, by Lena Anderson. I loved reading through it again and again, mostly because of the pictures. Its a young girl spending the summer with her grandfather on a tiny little island, and she gathers stuff that floats ashore and makes cool things out of them. Idk, there was just something about it that I loved, and still do.

Two other favourites were Riku, Roope ja Ringo lentvät kuuhun (Riku, Roope and Ringo Fly To The Moon) by Mauri Kunnas and Häntä pystyyn porkkanit (Tails Up, Carrot-Rabbits) by Leena Arikkala. The first one is about dogs flying to the moon to fix a robot that's become old and weary (they give him colourful mittens and scarves which make him happy!) and the second one is about a family of rabbits that are starving and try to find food and get caught up with some bad foxes and things.

i bought this film for 99 cents a couple weeks ago, because it looked interesting and was hella cheap. its called Things We Lost in the Fire, with Halle Berry and Benicio Del Toro. its GOOD. why haven't i heard about it before, and why did they sell it for such a ridiculously low price? also, why are Halle Berry movies always so full of sexy scenes?

books, meme, movies, 30books

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