I know, it's been like eleventy million years since I've updated. All my love to everyone. That's generic, isn't it? I totally suck. Do I owe any drabbles to anyone? Do tell me if I do. Life has been a little weird lately, but it's okay! Weird in a good way. Just busy.
I applied for a new job. Cross your fingers. I really need it, and it'
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As for the new job, all the luck to you girl! trust me, taking life-altering risks can be exhausting and frustrating (trust me, I've been there and done that already so many times!) but sometimes you just have to let go and see where the wind will take you! I probably am doing one of the craziest stunts of my life -- I mean, how can you get $3000 in 3 months -- but I wanted this so badly, it's worth getting a heart burn, sheer exhaustion attacks, not to mention "please sponsor my trip since I don't have enough money" begging sprees! Go for it, it'll be worth it!?! Miss you toodles! *hugs*
As for the job, thanks for the good wishes. I'm really hoping it (or another position with the same group) pans out. Good luck with your trip, I know you'll get a lot out of it.
As for my trip, I'll probably end up drinking tons of energy drinks because there's no way in hell I'm sleeping on that trip! I'm gonna take pictures of everything and I can't wait to say my 1st German words!?! Hehehe, I always did wanna learn it so now's the perfect time to do so -- if I can afford to buy some decent "learn German the easy way" audio CDs! And yes, it's going to be once-on-a-lifetime experience! Hey, why not you join the delegate then??? I bet your church would love to sponsor -- and who knows, we might get to finally meet in person!??! *beams*
Ich spreche Deutsch, aber es ist nicht so gut.
Ich kann fragen "Wo is die Toiletten??"
Hehehe... I'm so out of practice.
Hey, why don't you ask them?! I mean it doesn't hurt to do so right??? It would be so cool now that the new pope is German -- which I'm getting mixed reviews from all over the place! All I know is that God wouldn't give us a leader that will endanger the Church!
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