Aug 24, 2007 15:37

Ascendant in Aquarius

As far as sex is concerned, you have two distinct personalities: one that becomes physically involved with a lover and one that stands back and watches with a rather clinical eye.

Because of your ability to stand off and observe yourself in a situation, you may derive great pleasure from the more intricate lovemaking techniques that require your kind of self- control. In general, the more you experiment and use your imagination, the more enjoyable your sexual experiences will be.

You should consciously try to involve your mind and your imagination in lovemaking, as well as your body.

Sun in Capricorn

You are a very steady and reliable partner in a love relationship. When you make a commitment, you intend to stick by it. But you don't commit yourself hastily.

When you do, you want your lover to live up to all of your expectations, just as you are willing to give completely of yourself.

In fact, for long-term happiness, it would be good to seek a lover who will continually inject freshness and originality into the relationship. You may serve as a stabilizing factor and emotional home base for such a partner.

You tend to hold in feelings that you would like to communicate, so you need a fluid and sensitive companion who can explore the depths of your personality without treading on sensitive areas that you are not yet ready to share.

Sun in the Eleventh House

You have a natural desire and ability to turn yourself into an eminently desirable partner for almost anyone you meet.

Socially, you tend to be quite upwardly mobile and quite successful in finding others who live up to your high social standards. This ability can bring you great success and even wealth, but you must be careful not to leave old and faithful friends by the wayside.

Since your social life is quite important to you, try to avoid the lone wolf type of lover. The more involved you are externally, the more fertile and happy your personal involvements will be.

Moon in Virgo

You have very specific standards about what you want in a lover, and you tend to be cautious in selecting one.

Also you are particular about the surroundings when you make love, for you are not comfortable just anywhere or at any time.

Try not to be too possessive of your partner or, if you must be, find someone who will be absolutely faithful to you.

You are very good at helping your partner and others straighten out personal problems, and you give down-to-earth advice on how they can better fulfill themselves.
Moon in the Seventh House

You give of yourself easily and are always ready to be a friend to someone who shares your interests.

You may often find that you are the guiding hand in an affair, as your partner may not be as surefooted and may need the support of your wisdom to get along in the relationship. You should look for a lover who is sensitive enough to know when to take your advice and follow your suggestions.

You must know when not to give advice as well as when to give it. Your lesson is to learn patience and perseverance.

Venus in Scorpio

You have a very deep, gut-level style in love, and when you set your sights on someone, you don't give up until you get what you want.

Indeed, it is extremity of enjoyment rather than moderation that is the key to your pleasure.

Whatever your method, your enjoyment will be greatest if sexuality takes on the aspect of tremendous power, an uncontrollable flood in which both of you are caught up. This is ideal for the actual sexual experience, but in everyday life you should take great care to let control return to both of you individually, so that the basic equality between you is not lost.
Venus in the Ninth House

You have an innate appreciation of anything new and special in a relationship, and sex at its best is a constant adventure for you. What you want is a continually fresh emotional attitude to love that does not get into a rut.

You may find that quality in a relationship that is an adventure and a learning experience in itself. A foreign lover or one who is culturally different from you might be very exciting and challenging.

Mars in Libra

You are likely to be the one who instigates change within a relationship, and your affairs are seldom static.

Although you may be consciously trying to bring about change in a spirit of honest adjustment and possibly conciliation, you may slip into a pattern of shifting and change for its own sake. Be very sure that something needs to be changed before rearranging.

You are so interested in fairness within a relationship that you will take a back seat if you feel it will serve the interests of equality.

In physical affection, you are very considerate and anxious to please, making a point of knowing what your partner enjoys. Your style is quite active and volatile, and you are at your best with someone who is similarly responsive

Mars in the Eighth House

You like to maintain a certain air of mystery concerning your style and motivations in sexuality, which can add both power and attraction to your image as others see it. In order to stay in control of your sometimes complex and subterranean inner forces, you must make a particular effort to explore them and reach an effective level of self-understanding.

Sexual activity has a very invigorating effect on your constitution.

Because of your own makeup, you are rather good at unraveling the tangled skeins of others' personal lives. In a love affair you can pursue seemingly well-hidden motives that reveal your lover's special needs, and then satisfy them.
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