recent scrutinizations [once more]

Jul 23, 2006 23:56

Midnight casts its shadow long
upon my impoverished streets
Luna Negra betwixt metamorphosis
toiling troubles, cauldron bubbles
boils over, foreshadowing the
dissolution of time and space.
Dali's persistence melts completely,
clock is ticking, running time off
surreal canvas in dripping cloudy
perceptions without perspectives.

Alert telephone poles at attention
sentinels answering the drum of
romances' ravenous hue & calling.
life takes its toll on romantics'
benignly outside my dream I awake
fated to stand in clearing fog
awaiting miracles, having one last
drink alone here together
across the distance darkness beckons
bebop tones soften moods -
midnight shadows flood the memory,
as landlords covet thirty pieces
of silver.

I undress you long distance
savor your conviviality, while having
our way, with each the other, you
threatening to shake my world to its
core, I regard you smiling in a lighted
doorway decorated for Christmas, a
polished alabaster Aphrodite with arms,
your hands holding the secrets of the
sea of love *
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