✓ = canonmate
♥ = family
§ = friend
◤ = neutral
✗ = not friend
† † † †
character; Lena Austen
canon; Original; Wanderer
willnotbemine ♥
in the cathedrals of new york and rome / there's a feeling you should just go home
Lena is his church buddy and probably the closest thing Charlie has to a best friend. She gets what it means to be not okay for a little while, while still keeping him on track and pushing him back onto the right one when he needs it. He worries about her, which is a feat because he tries not to worry about a lot of people, because he understands what it's like when a Calling gets the better of you.
Also, he is committed to being friends with her until she finally conceeds the one conviction he has: Pancakes are vastly superior to waffles.
This may take a while.
cathedrals; jump little children
† † † †
character; Nellie Lachlan
canon; Original; Wanderer
lil_nellie ♥
she is like a golden dream / circles me with love and laughter
Nellie is someone Charlie's a little protective over. He first met her when she fell through the Rift, he's a little enamored by that Texas accent of hers, and he enjoys spending time with her, which can't be said for a lot of people. He hasn't had friends for a long time, but he's definitely getting used to it again, partially thanks to her.
la song; christian kane
† † † †
character; Elizabeth Jules
canon; Original, Native
pplrunincircles §
maybe you feel that way too / i see me in you
Elizabeth is the other Angel of Death in Chicago. She's young, younger than Charlie, but she lives in Chicago, so she's seen just as much death, if not more. She's a almost a ray of sunshine when it comes to dealing with his Calling, because as much as she knows it sucks, she knows that it's important, just like he does. Talking to her steadies him a bit, because he knows if she's dealt with as much death as she has and is still mostly okay, he can too.
That, and she makes him laugh, which is always a good sign for a friendship.
maybe; next to normal
† † † †
character; Martha Jones
canon; Doctor Who; Wanderer
smithnjones ◤
walking tall against the rain
Martha Jones, leader of the Wanderer community, and someone that Charlie has a lot of respect for. He's not sure if they can consider themselves friends, given that he's only met her once, but she's definitely someone he would go to bat for if he had to. He thinks that she's doing a good job in Chicago, given everything that he's been through, and he wants her to keep it up.
So, consider this his official show of support for you, Martha.
run this town; jay-z and rhianna
† † † †
character; Wes Ganon
canon; Original; Native
smokeblowsblack ◤
you know you can't keep letting it get you down / and you can't keep dragging that dead weight around
Wes is another one of those people he doesn't know very well yet, but they've had chats about Callings and other fun things, and he's actually seen Charlie's in action, but beyond fun drinking buddies, they haven't bonded much. They're getting there, though, as much as two angels with difficult Callings can.
this too shall pass; ok go
† † † †
character; Dylan
canon; Original; Native
fellfrommyheart §
you can't carry it with you if you want to survive
Charlie originally met Dylan as Evie, when she was magicked by the Rift into becoming her younger self, and she won him over just by virtue of being her. Now she's big again, and a little bit more broken, but Charlie's working on getting to know that version of Dylan again. He sees a lot of himself in Dylan, and he has an idea that if he helps her, he might help himself a bit.
We'll see what happens
dog days are over; florence + the machine
† † † †
character; Parker
canon; Leverage; Wanderer
ohshiny_tomatos §
the thing about st. petersburg, i was never there myself
Parker is She Who Hangs Out in Air Ducts. They first met when Parker was using it to watch the people moving through the Kashtta. They then had pizza, and have been friends ever since. She's a little odd, but Charlie likes a little odd every now and then, so it works for them.
a good idea at the time; ok go