(no subject)

Jun 28, 2005 08:44

yesterday was an alright day my leg was bothering me like hell in the morning, so i had the usual radiation then i had my first day of physical therapy, towards the end the therapist pushed down on the front of my rihgt kneee and i cried and jumped in pain. She thinks that there is a very good chance that i have tendonitis, which could expalin the random pain that i am in at times. Also when she moves my right knee cap it moves differently then the left another sign. All of this if it is tendonitis would ahve been caused by the fact that i pretty much havent walked normally for like a year and a half or 2 years. In the beginning because i was compensating for the huge mass in my thigh and then it just became habit. Also when she ahd me lay on my stomach and then raise my right leg she said that i move my hip differently. I am hoping tendonitis is the case but im still going to demand some sort of scan to rule out something else.
Then later in the day JUlie came over and we went swimming at the gravel pit it was so clean and nice, then she stayed at the home for dinner, we plan on doing it again on Wends, then thurs i have my weekly (or bi weekly) with karin. would anyone like to join we usually go around 1.
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