Been back from the states about four days now, and I should probably heave my suitcase off the floor and put all the new stuff away into my closet. Right now they're all just sitting happy on my bedroom floor, and I'm kinda tired of having to take the long route from my bed to the door (that means walking around the pile of mess). I'm such a lazy person.
Our grad trip was delightful. I loved SF as usual, didn't quite enjoy Vegas because of its shit weather, got to know and fell in love with Toronto and truly experienced NYC. In the beginning I didn't quite want to leave for this trip, not because I thought I wouldn't enjoy it, but only because it meant it was finally happening and had to come to its inevitable end.. Ok now on top of being a lazy person I am also a cheeseball.
Buhhh not in a good mood. I guess this is the real world. Still unemployed and not liking it very much.
Anyhoots - this isn't much of a travelogue but still a collection of sorts:
something for the road