Aw man that would be so awesome. Incidentally, I totally miss you and the collab SOOO much but school is hitting me over the head. After this semester I am never taking any classes that require work again, I swear.
Hee, that's okay. Rani and I have both been swamped as well...and for me, it's just going to get busier before it gets better. NaNoWriMo is in November and I'm not ready for it. *bites nails*
First, I think there was some subliminal messaging here because I totally just finished watching Beauty and the Beast. xD
Second, I'm back on track for my NaNo *wipes brow* it was close today. Close. But I really want to have my entire novel outlined by November. So yes, busy busy!
And I'm glad to hear that you're going to be participating! My sn over on NaNo is Clover64 so add me if you haven't! I want to see how you're doing as November progresses. ;)
(Oh, and this is Clover/Lady B just FYI. I'm in my NaNoWriMo LJ account and too lazy to change out. xD)
Also I love that icon. And I'm LadyHades on NaNoWriMo OBVIOUSLY but I don't really get how the friending works so I don't have any idea whether or not you will automatically be able to friend me back or something.
Second, I'm back on track for my NaNo *wipes brow* it was close today. Close. But I really want to have my entire novel outlined by November. So yes, busy busy!
And I'm glad to hear that you're going to be participating! My sn over on NaNo is Clover64 so add me if you haven't! I want to see how you're doing as November progresses. ;)
(Oh, and this is Clover/Lady B just FYI. I'm in my NaNoWriMo LJ account and too lazy to change out. xD)
Oh man awesome! I am such a n00b at NaNo already, haha. Added you!
Also, I saw on imdb that it is Jeremy Davies' birthday, and that made me think of you, naturally. So uh... happy Jeremy Davies' birthday. Haha.
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