Adam Has No Health and Safety Policy..........

Oct 24, 2008 07:07

I wonder about health and safety: Not in the sense of looking after myself but in terms of the ridiculous rules they now impinge on our everyday lives. And let's be honest here since the increase of legislation we have become neither more safe or healthier it would seem. I went to the top of a car park yesterday. Well I was going to go to the top of a car park yesterday to take some shots of the ever changing Leeds skyline only to be told I could not unless I produced a PPL certificate for safety reasons. I thought that this was stupid because actually it was a place where a year or so ago a woman threw herself from the top of. Seems that you can go up there to do that bit not take pictures. You see what I mean by ridiculous? But the thing that really annoys me about Health and Safety, apart from the fact that all Health and Safety policies state the bleedin' obvious, is that it completely assumes that people no longer have any common sense whatsoever.

Maybe they are right because when it comes to taking pictures it seems nobody has any common sense. Adam and I were taking some stock pictures in town last week only to be told by a traffic warden to stop because we were breaking the law: we were not as it was a public place. But he wanted to know the ins and outs of what were doing. It inevitably and sadly then moved onto a darker subjects when he asked if we would "take pictures of kids". We knew what he meant by that, he knew what he meant by that. We have a camera, we are male and therefore we must be paedophiles. It reminded me that we have simply moved on from the 1970s argument brought forth by extremist feminists that "all men are rapists". It is just the sexual demeanour that as changed. But what really annoys me about this is it goes against that everybody is innocent until proven guilty. Seems this does not apply to men. All men it would seem are judged by the 95000 paedophiles in the UK. If I could be bothered I would work that out as a percentage chance of meeting one in the UK. But as the figure is minuscule I shall not bother. We did tell the parking attendant the law but that did not stop us being followed by two police on bikes for the rest of the time we were in town.

Anyway: Have a few pictures.....

Adam has got a bike so on his day off we went to Roundhay Park: realising when we got there it was a year ago to the day that we had been there doing exactly the same thing: Apart from the bike of course which he is using to get fit seeing he no longer wrestles. Inevitably he fell off it. But I'm not allowed to show you that. Health and Safety you know. You might copy him......

musings, photography 2008

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