Title: That Which Remains Unseen
Author: Kate (
Rating: PG
Word Count: 313
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
A/N: Written for
"I didn't get to go to TWH" ficathon.
a_belladonna requested Sirius/Remus/Snape, one of them is watching the two others (but not in an angsty way). Hope you like!!
Much love to
wheatgerm for the beta, and
inocciduous for telling me to 'just shut up and write.'
* * *
He runs across them fighting in a hidden alcove, somewhere on the third floor. Severus's first instinct is to make some snide, condescending comment before hexing them both to high hell and back, but the sight of Sirius Black crying has the words dying on his lips. The knowledge that this moment can be used later as blackmail has him melting into the shadows, where he can watch and remain unseen.
Rain thunders against the windows lined up and down the hall, making their words unintelligible, but Severus can tell from both Lupin and Black's expressions that they are sharp and heavy. As he watches under the cloak of darkness, Lupin's hand slashes violently through the air and whatever he says has the taller of the two boys flinching as if he were slapped. The sight of tears still making glittering tacks down Black's face has Severus both curious and revolted, and he wonders what has occurred to reduce the arrogant prat to a sniveling baby.
Lupin raises his voice enough for Severus to make out the questions "how" and "why" and Black bends his head, allowing his long black hair to create a curtain around his face, shielding himself from the angry boy standing stiffly in front of him. A wave of disgust lurches in the back of his throat at the cowardly action, and Severus cannot help but fleetingly wonder what it is, exactly, that Remus Lupin sees when he looks at Sirius Black.
Severus gets his answer a few minutes later, when he stares in disbelief as Lupin crumples; pulls Black into his arms with soothing, apologetic arms; watches as Black buries his head into the crook of Lupin’s neck and allows himself to sob.
Sickened and unable to watch anymore, Severus storms away, knowing that the thing they see in each other is the exact same thing he sees in them.
* * *
Apparently I'm winning the NFL pool we have going on in my suite. XD