BTVS Wishverse
tootsielover. Pink Power Rangerzzzz rock.
Willow liked games. She liked them rough, painful, and wild.
She liked it when she was torn into, when handsteethfangs left bloody imprints all over; she liked feeling dead and alive all at once.
She liked pretending to be innocent, loved how she would be reprimanded and told just how bad she really was.
Her favorite games usually involved Xander, his black bullwhip and the copious amount of blood- whether their own or from the innocent victim that lay dying beside them- that eventually was smeared over their bodies.
He was a good fuck, but an even better instructor. The things he taught her, the different ways to make a demon scream and beg.. she learned everything she needed from their many games.
Sorry it's crappy! I rewrote it 173621352 times. And then my internet went CRASSSSSSSH. Boo.
Short and unedited. I'll probably expand on it sometime in the future.
ATS: Set after the final battle in Not Fade Away. Angel is the only one left.
The Partners will not allow him the sanctity of death. They know he wishes for it, craves it, especially in the middle of the night when the memories seep back into the forefront, past the barriers he has resurrected in order to keep sane. The screams that tear from his throat during these times gives Them pleasure. Soon, when he is resigned to the fact that the dead cannot die, they will send him their latest form of torment; hallucinations of those that were loved and lost, people from the past as well as what could have been his future.
They hope the little girl that could have been, with sunny blonde hair and round hazel eyes, will be what eventually breaks him.