Jun 03, 2003 21:22
me: "danielle, red light.....HAHAHAHHAA i just almost died!"
danielle: "HAHAHAHHHA you would have gotten t-boned by a semi!"
me: "but we're still laughing HAHAHAHAHA!!"
that was by far the highlight of my day. that as well as the in depth lengthy conversation about excrement, hahaha, that's so unladylike. but that's why we're THE COOLEST GIRLS WE KNOW!
i only fully attended two classes today. why do i even bother to come to school anymore? delirious conversations in nico's are way more entertaining. marijuana it TOTALLY a gateway drug.
i got new carpet yaaaaay it smells so good!
it's weird.....i got some personal time with the big guy last night, and now i miss him even more than i did before i saw him. i guess it was just a little taste of what's just out of my reach.....grrrrr, i think thats why i was all pissnasty this morning.....or maybe it's just the schizophrenia talking. hhahaha kim.....I MISS YOU!
it was all just a temporary loss of sanity.
blinky slinky23: i didn't go to sleep last night
D E S imaree: why not?
blinky slinky23: or the night before
D E S imaree: WHY NOT?!
blinky slinky23: i dunno.....
blinky slinky23: i was sewing
blinky slinky23: HAHAHAHAH!