My dragon and I

Jan 18, 2011 07:55

This morning I had the first “eatie bitie chewie” dream I’ve had in a long time.  There was a magnificent but terrible gold dragon that was attacking a seaside town, kind of like Santa Cruz.  There had been this great big party going on, like a holiday or something and many people were there.  Then the Dragon came.  Suddenly everyone was screaming and running but there was nowhere to hide.  There were no walls strong enough that it could not smash through.  This went on for some time.  After a while, I thought I could outsmart it. I made myself small, froze when the dragon came near.  I almost made it.  I was at the shore, making a dash for the sea.  I just had to climb over these rocks… but the rocks turned out to be its tail.  I scrambled and dashed for the waves.  Roaring, it lunged for me… and the alarm woke me.

Alarm clocks are wonderful things.

Being a Scorpio Dragon, I’ve always thought of the Gold Dragon fondly as a kind of a personal Totem of mine… Guess I must be pretty pissed at me, ya think?

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