I love Satan

Feb 06, 2008 18:00

I am about to mix muesli with apple juice. Aprehensive, as you can understand.
In the morning, I will cut up a banana and put that on top, then put some yoghurt on. Not necesarily in that order. I may then put some honey on top. I will then eat this. I hope its good.

Someone just replied to one of my posts. I think it was you.

I'm in a bit of a dreamy wishy washy mood. Its nice. I feel like I'm reaching out to my inner emo once again. In a good way though. Today after work I went up to the roof of the harlequin and saw a most delicious sunset. I t w a s g o o d . Pics on facey-B lol!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Lata potata X
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