Oct 23, 2006 09:40
Why hello!
I have just come into work and discovered through a random series of mini-miracles that I am no longer blocked from Livejournal! HIP HIP.....!!
But, it appears no one uses it anymore so I doubt anyone will be reading this. Oh well. I'll update for my own pleasure anyway.
SO! Much has changed since my last entry. Much. Its almost been an entire year. Actually, I suppose its not that much. Just that.... I've found love *bats eyelids dreamily* Its a boy. I know. I'm still at the job I hadnt quite started yet when I wrote my last post, its still as boring as ever. But it'll do. Its quite good really. The fact that I'm sitting here writing this kind of explains...
Actually I suppose it is rather a lot now I think of it. Christ. Lots has happened. Everyone finished school. Everyone had summer holidays. (except me) and now everyones gone to Uni (except me) and Beckys going to Africa and and and I've been to Florida and Cyprus (america is shit, cyprus is wonderful) and and and.... Things just seem to be good now. Everything is working out. I am quite possibly the happiest person in the world and I just wish that everyone could feel like I do about life... Awwww.
I'm going to see Panic! at the Disco tonight (please appreciate all the correct punctuation) with the beautiful one. Cooooooool :D
Gonna be rawkin' \m/