Title: Lament for a Daemon’s Soul
Author: Sio
Rating: At least R for violence.
Length: 59928 / ?
Spoilers: This is AU, but Season 1 spoilers are possible starting with chapter 6.
Summary: Rachel is a member of an immortal altered race of humans that call themselves the Vanpyr and live in secret alongside normal humans. Murdered years earlier
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As this series progresses through Mattress, I would love it if emphasis was placed on how much of a worthless piece of crap Finn is. Back then I still had hope for Finn as a character and did not realize how easily he would fall to peer pressure because he didn't want his picture to be defaced in yearbooks he would never see. (I literally just saw a commercial for tomorrow's episode, where Finn refers to himself as some sort of celebrity, and I keep having to fight back bile).
Regardless of how you decide to continue things, I'll keep coming back to see how Quinn has her eureka moment and how things progress and sectionals and beyond.
I really don't like Finn very much, I have to admit, and it probably shows. But, I plan on working with the yearbook issue in the next chapter (can we have Rachel approaching people she didn't in canon? I think we can!), though things will be a bit different than the canon since I'm veering more AU now. I think we may have a Puck & Finn scene on the horizon. The Puckster doesn't approve of Finnessa screwing over his Baby Mommas (even if they don't like that term) after all.
Everything up to this point has been contained within McKinley more or less. Sectionals changes that. And that's the biggest hint I have right now. XD
In the original work I've got Glee fused with here, the main character was born in what is now Germany, circa the Second Crusade. She spent the next few centuries disguised as a man skipping from war to war as a mercenary. She traveled across Europe, spent time in London during the Industrial Revolution (had a couple run ins with a vicious Dreamwalker by the name of Jack there), was in New Orleans after the American Revolutionary War and fought in the American Civil War... she got all over. Rachel's not nearly as old as she is and thus has less experience, but both her and Puck were involved in the Civil War for example.
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