The Way To Each Other - Chapter Thirty-Nine

Mar 27, 2009 13:40

Title: The Way To Each Other
Author: Sio & Maura
Rating: Hard NC-17
Length: Epic (230,271)
Spoilers: This is AU. Some mentions of Seasons 1 & 2 events though handled differently than in canon.
Pairing: Santana/Quinn
Summary: Santana's life is far harder than it appears to the average viewer. Her dad's in jail and her mom turns tricks in their old family home. Worst yet, Santana herself has to do the same to keep her mom alive and food in her belly. Can Quinn save her? Or will Quinn's domineering father ruin everything? For the Glee Bang
Warnings (highlight to read): talks of suicide, angst, language, graphic het and femslash sex, non-con, dub-con, oral, vaginal, anal, pedophilia, sex work, underage prostitution, abuse, violence sexual and non, minor character death, self-harm, drug use, disease - HIV

Chapter 39

They came down hours later to find Cindy sitting on a groomer’s stool by Pony’s stall, leaning back against the wall and sipping from a mug of coffee with a knowing smirk. “So, girls, did you enjoy your little... nap in the hayloft?”

Santana blushed and picked up a kitten as Quinn left to properly dispose of the gloves and garbage. "Um yeah..." Santana mumbled as she looked at the kitten trying to hide her red face, sticks of straw and hay sticking randomly up out of her hair.

“It’s alright, Santana,” Cindy laughed softly into her mug. “I was young too once you know. And once I met your mom, I was completely entangled too.” She smiled over the rim of the mug at her daughter, “You’re happy?”

"Yes." Santana said softly, "I am." She snuggled Trouble in her arms and smiled. "I love Quinn very much."

“That’s what a mom likes to hear,” Cindy smiled, setting her coffee down on the ground and holding her arms out for a hug. “More than what I was hearing earlier when I came out to check on the animals anyway,” she teased.

"Oh god, please don't tell Quinn that you heard us," she moaned painfully.

Cindy laughed, getting up and hugging her daughter. “Alright, I won’t tell her I heard you,” she began, “just that I went up to get hay and saw you wrapped up in that ratty old blanket of yours.” She kissed the side of Santana’s head. “I’m glad you came home, Santana,” she whispered against her hair. “I’m glad you’re happy...”

"I'm glad I have a home to come to." She sighed, "Mom... I wanna go to college to be a vet like you."

“Do you?” Cindy pulled back to look at Santana with a slightly disbelieving smile. “Like me, huh?” Her lips curled in a tiny smirk, “And how much do you want to go and be with your Quinn while she’s away at school? Hmm?”

“Seeing Beauty die made me want to do better and learn how to fix them." Santana shrugged, "It scares me... I'm scared to go to school and be around that many people... But I don't wanna waste my life." She sighed, "I'm scared of dying without making myself better."

“You’re already making yourself better,” Cindy whispered, pulling her back into a hug as Quinn rounded the corner heading back from the clinic.

“Hey, what are you two getting up to?” She smiled as she headed towards them, tucking her hands into the pockets of the hoodie she’d grabbed.

“Oh, nothing much,” Cindy smirked, keeping an arm around Santana’s shoulders. “Just discussing how comfortable the hayloft is.”

Quinn blushed bright red, but struggled to keep a straight face. “Oh? Well, it is nice and warm up there.”

"Yep." Santana mumbled, "I'm happy the kittens can't get up there." Her eyes rolled and she held out Trouble to Quinn.

Quinn accepted the kitten who promptly sunk his claws into her hoodie and scrambled to her shoulders when Cindy muttered, “I wouldn’t be too sure of that, girls. How do you think we manage the mice? They get up there just fine on their own.”

Santana made a face. "Don't like them eating mice." She sighed, "Silly kittens."

“San, that’s their jobs,” Cindy shook her head with a chuckle. “How else do you think we can afford to keep your growing horde?”

Quinn laughed softly, reaching for the kitten currently doing his best to cling to her back right behind her head. “Speaking of horde, Santana, help me out here!”

Santana giggled. "My attack cats," She said as she got the kitten off her girlfriend. "You are Trouble," she smiled, snuggling him. "How's Pony doing?" she asked looking at her horse. "Do horses understand when their parents go away?" She asked curiously.

Cindy sighed, turning to watch as Pony ambled over to lean against the stall door and watch Santana. “To be honest, we don’t really know for sure. I mean, we’re starting to believe that horses grieve the loss of a herd mate, but we’re not entirely sure if the same thing happens to a foal that’s lost his dam and sire like Pony has.” She reached over and scratched his nose, “I think he misses her though. He’s been looking for her when we turn him out and vocalizing more than usual, so he knows something’s amiss. But he could be missing you as well.”

The black yearling pushed his nose over the door to reach for Santana, whickering softly. Quinn pulled her hand from her pocket and slipped the baggie of apple slices into Santana’s hand. “I think he misses you, San.”

Santana put the kitten down and moved to nuzzle Pony. "Hi, mijo," she whispered as she fed him an apple piece. "I'm not going anywhere."

Pony made a soft whuffing sound as he rubbed his nose against her cheek, crunching on the apple slice. At the sound of another horse moving further down the barn, he looked towards it and nickered hopefully. He shifted in his stall, trying to move towards the sound without leaving Santana.

"Its just Diablo," Santana said softly. She slipped into his stall and ran her hand down his back. "Wanna go for a ride?" she asked him before looking to Cindy.

Cindy shook her head. “He’s not old enough yet, Santana. It’ll be another year at least before he’s mature enough to handle carrying you. And he’ll need to be gentled before he’ll be safe to handle out of the ring. You and Quinn can go out with Diablo and Brody though and take him with you if you want.”

"Maybe we can just take him for a walk..." She looked at Quinn, "I don't want him to be stuck inside."

“That’s fine with me,” Quinn smiled at her, scooping a second grey and black mottled kitten up from where it was trying to crawl up her leg. “I don’t mind. Do you want to ride or just walk?”

"Put him on a lead and walk him." Santana said as she grabbed the lead and his halter.

Quinn nodded, picking Trouble off of Santana and setting him on a blanket folded on a nearby bale with the other kitten. “That sounds like a plan to me.”

Santana sighed and put Pony on his lead and brought him out. "Good boy," she said softly.

Pony whickered softly and rested his head on Santana’s shoulder for a moment before quietly following her and Quinn out of the barn, not pulling or prancing the way he would have even a week ago.

Helping Santana adjust to being around so many people in a classroom setting was more of a challenge than either of the girls had thought it would be when they’d started. In a small discussion group setting, Santana was anxious but sitting by Quinn, she could calm down and eventually even participate a little. But lectures were something else altogether.

Quinn reached over and squeezed Santana’s sweaty hand one more time before resting a reassuring hand on her twitching thigh. “Calm down, baby. I’m right here. I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Santana couldn't hear anything, her pulse was so rapid that she couldn't breathe. "Scared," she whispered. "Why are there so many people?"

"It's a lecture," Quinn explained, "and at least half of these people are probably asleep at this hour. Don't worry about them. Just hold my hand and remember they've got to go through me to get you and that's not happening, okay?"

"I know," she whispered, her hand shaking as she grabbed her pen and tried to focus. "I’ll be okay."

"Santana," Quinn whispered, leaning over until her lips almost touched her lover's ear as she gently squeezed her leg, "listen to me. You're safe. I won't let anyone touch you. You're mine and I love you. Just close your eyes for a moment and feel my hand on your leg. Nothing else matters, okay?"

Santana did just that. She took several deep breaths and tried to focus on the professor once she had calmed herself down.

"You don't have to open your eyes until I let you know it's safe. Just listen and feel my hand, babe." Quinn whispered before leaning back and taking notes again, her hand gently sliding up and down Santana's thigh.

Santana breathed through her fright. Her body relaxing under her lover’s touch. After about 20 minutes, she opened her eyes and held Quinn’s hand. "I'm okay."

Quinn glanced up from her notes with a smile, squeezing Santana's hand. "Of course you are. We'll go back to my room after this is over, okay?"

Santana nodded and tried to focus on the lecture. She made it through without too much trouble and sat still while the people flooded out. "I'll get better... Each class I'll get better."

Quinn leaned over and kissed her cheek, conscious of the people around them and not wanting to push Santana too far. "I know you will, San. And until you don't need me right here, I'm going to be right beside you. Okay?"

"I know... Though I need to get better so I can start taking the courses required for vet stuff," she shrugged, having taken care of some of the basic requirements for her perspective degree through online classes.

"Santana," Quinn laughed, standing up and pulling her into a hug as the last of their fellow students trickled out, "we're not racing. Take the time you need to feel comfortable. I like having you beside me right now. You can take those courses next year when you're sleeping beside me every night again."

Santana smiled at that thought. "Do you think we can make enough working this summer to rent a place? Or do you wanna stay in the dorms?" she rested her head on Quinn's shoulder tiredly. "School’s tiring."

"We should stay in the dorms for another year and save up for somewhere nice. Amanda even said she might be able to tolerate our mushiness enough to share a suite with us next year. What do you think?"

"That would be pretty sweet." Santana smiled as she stood up once the class was mostly empty.

"See? Told you you'd make friends," Quinn teased, bumping Santana's hip gently with hers as she picked up their bags and tossed an arm over her lover's shoulder. "What do you think? Grab some lunch or straight to cuddle studying?"

"Um.. I'm not really hungry, but do you wanna go sit outside?" She asked softly, "I kinda wanna have some fresh air."

"Sure. It's nice out. How about the quad?" Quinn smiled at Santana, tangling their fingers together. "I love you for trying so hard, San. You have no idea how happy I am to have you here, even for a day or two a week."

"Me too." She smiled and followed Quinn outside to the quad. She sat down on one of the more secluded benches and smiled as she looked around nervously. "I'm happy to be with you."

Quinn sat down next to her and pulled out one of the meal replacement shakes she carried for when Santana wasn't hungry but needed to take her meds when her watch chirped at her. "Hey, it's noon, pretty girl. Med time, I don't want you getting sick on me." She smiled handing over the shake and pills, letting Santana know she was just teasing because it was easier to joke about taking care of her lover than just wallow in the depression knowing she could get sicker without the meds often brought.

Santana held out her hand and took her pills with a drink of the shake. She made a face after the third pill then took another sip. "You don't have to keep my medications, Quinn." Santana said softly, "I don't forget most of the time."

"I know I don't," Quinn whispered, leaning over to rest her head on Santana's shoulder. "But it's the only way I can feel like I'm doing something to help fight it. And I really need to help you fight it sometimes."

"Then you, Quinn Fabray, are the official medications that keep Santana alive holder." She smiled and kissed her lover’s temple.

Quinn laughed softly, wrapping her arms around Santana's waist and just enjoying being there on campus with the girl she loved. "I want to have lots of days like this with you. And when our baby's old enough for college, I'd really like to be able to sit here with you again. That's my goal for us for now. Once we hit that, I want to see you grey and beautiful. That's what I'm fighting for for you, San."

"I love you." Santana smiled softly and rested her head on Quinn’s shoulder. "I want those things too."

“You’ll get them,” Quinn nodded, hugging Santana close. “If I have anything at all to say about it, you’ll definitely get them.”

"We'll get them." She smiled.

The rest of the year went by quickly it seemed to Quinn, with Santana showing up to audit more and more of her classes and growing steadily more relaxed even in lecture halls. It gave Quinn a curious mixture of worry and pride to see the girl she loved rebuilding her confidence in herself brick by brick. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Santana to succeed, but that she found herself feeling a little lonely and missing her constant need to be close to Quinn as it faded away.

When the summer came, they’d spent hours working with Pony to get him ready for next summer which Cindy had labeled as a tentative date to be able to start actually riding or enjoying themselves out at the pond. Even Amanda came out to join them for a week towards the end of the summer.

But all too soon, they found themselves walking into one of the University of Vermont’s dormitories with boxes in their arms accompanied by Santana’s moms again. It was at once a reminiscence of the first year and the bittersweet goodbye at the end of that day and the nervously exciting anticipation of the new year to come. Quinn set her box on one of the room’s three beds with a groan before stretching out and looking over to the third bed across the room.

“I hope Amanda gets here soon. Aunt Becca promised to take us all out for dinner before her and Cindy leave.”

Santana sat down and nodded. "I think that her dad was bringing her so they might be in traffic or something." Santana shrugged and rolled her neck, "I feel like sleeping for a week, it's so stressful."

“That’s why we came up the first day we could,” Quinn pointed out with a shrug, grabbing the two boxes Cindy and Rebecca had carried up so they could head down for the duffel bags with their clothes. “You want to start decorating? I, um... don’t think we really have to worry about rearranging the beds with how used to sharing we got, do you?”

"Yeah, I prefer sleeping near you." She smiled and watched Quinn start unpacking. "Let's start unpacking. I'm happy we have a kitchen now."

Quinn snorted softly, “Yeah, that we share with ten other people. But you’re right. It is a nice change.” She pulled out the teddy bear Santana had given her the first day of her first year, brushing its fur back with a smile, “I love that you gave me this last year, San.”

"Now you have me," She smiled getting up and kissing the bear. "I get to be your bear."

“You do,” Quinn grinned, leaning up for a kiss when Amanda popped in the door with a loud knock.

“Oh geez, you two! Knock it off for at least a little bit! I don’t want my dad getting the wrong idea about my living with you,” she complained, rolling her eyes and smirking as she dropped her box on her bed.

Santana giggled before going to unpack Quinn's books. "You love us." Santana smiled as she opened the box and started unpacking her books and Quinn's texts. "That's why you wanna live with us. Plus you're already broken in..."

“Oh wow,” Amanda scoffed, opening up her box as her dad came in to drop off another one before heading back out, “way to make me feel like a housepet, M-Rod.”

Quinn rolled her eyes, “You two aren’t seriously gonna be doing the whole insult sniping routine all year are you?”

"Maybe." Santana smiled as she finished her box. "Underworld loves me." She teased shyly as she looked at her with a grin.

“Finally! A modicum of taste!” Amanda smirked, tossing a small grey Nerf ball at Santana before pulling out the cloth she liked to drape over the foot of her bed to hide the rails. “She can learn. There is hope.”

“Seriously, you two,” Quinn chuckled shaking her head as she made the bed she was planning on sharing with Santana.

“So,” Amanda leaned against her bed, her eyes flicking between her roommates, “anything new since I saw you two last?”

"My Pony is able to be ridden! You should come meet him! He's so big now." She smiled and pulled a photo out of her duffel bag. "See."

“San,” Quinn laughed as Amanda came over to ooh over the photo of the growing black stallion, “you know Cindy said he can’t really be ridden until next summer. You’re just so thrilled he let you put that silly saddle on him already.”

"He's my baby and he's getting big." She pouted, "I wanna ride Pony." She sat down on the bed and hugging her pillow.

Amanda just laughed and rolled her eyes, heading back to her decorating of her room and setting the framed photo down on Santana’s desk. Quinn sighed. “I know you do, baby, but hey, at least as small as you are, you’ll be the only one who can ride him until the summer after.”

“So that’s really all that happened? Pony got bigger?” Amanda asked, shooting Quinn a telling look.

Santana shrugged, "Um... We went swimming a lot... The farm had a couple cows..."

Amanda shook her head. “Wow, Q. I didn’t take you for being such a chicken shit. You seriously haven’t yet?”

“Amanda, I didn’t take you for being such a loud mouth. Shut up.”

Santana made her confused face. "You two are weird..."

“No, your girlfriend is just a chicken,” Amanda smirked, ducking as a pillow flew her way.

“Oh my God, Amanda, shut up! I’m waiting for the right moment, okay?” Quinn scowled.

“What when you’re enrolled in a nursing home?”

"I'm confused." Santana said as she sat on the bed and rested her head on her knees. "Quinn’s very brave..."

Amanda snorted, “Apparently not about everything.”

“Oh God,” Quinn rolled her eyes, “You’re such an ass, Amanda. Why can’t you just leave it be?”

“Because you two are annoyingly cute together and she might be ridiculously hopeless when it comes to quality entertainment, but she deserves it so get your head out of your ass already and ask her!”

"Ask me what!" Santana said, "I need you two to stop yelling!"

Quinn let out a frustrated sigh and folded her arms over her chest. “This isn’t romantic at all.”

“Just do it, Q,” Amanda sighed, flopping down on her bed. “San deserves it.”

Quinn looked at Santana with a nervous smile and licked her lips before getting down on one knee with her hand in the pocket of her hoodie. “Baby... I, um, this isn’t at all how I thought it’d go, but...” she paused, looking up at Santana and taking one of her hands as she searched for the right words.

"Quinn what?" She looked worried. "What are you doing? What's going on?" she whispered nervously.

"Santana," Quinn finally begun, her hand trembling slightly with nerves as she looked up at her lover, "you've been my best friend since we were three, even if I did turn four shortly after meeting you. But you have always stood by me and tried to protect me. Even when it hurt you. And these last few years I've tried to do the same for you to make up for the times when I didn't. I hope I have anyway."

"You have." Santana smiled, "I love you. You’re my best friend..."

"Good," she smiled lopsidedly, her fingers fidgeting nervously with the box in her pocket. "I love you too and I want to be with you always, okay? So," she pulled the box out of her pocket and carefully opened it to reveal the small diamond and gold ring nestled in the burgundy cloth inside, "I got you this so you'll always have something to look at and know I'm right beside you holding your hand even when I'm across campus."

Amanda cleared her throat pointedly and Quinn only barely kept herself from rolling her eyes. "What I'm trying to say, Santana is," she licked her lips, swallowing nervously as she looked up at her lover with hopeful eyes, "will you marry me?"

"I thought we covered that I was gonna be your wife two years ago..." She smiled, her eyes welling up with tears. "Of course."

"Yeah, but," Quinn whispered, sliding the ring out of its box and onto Santana's finger, "I really wanted to ask." She kissed the ring gently before letting go of Santana's hand so she could look at it. "Do you like it?"

Santana didn't even look at the ring. She just kept looking into Quinn’s eyes. "I love it."

Amanda laughed, bouncing her Nerf ball off the back of Quinn's head. "Finally! Geez, you two take forever!"

"Hey, girls! Oh, hi, Amanda," Cindy called out, dropping the duffel bags of the girls' clothes on the floor by Santana and Quinn's bed. "you three ready to get dinner?" She straightened, noticing the odd posture of everyone as Rebecca came in the room after her. "Okay. I'll bite. What's going on?"
Santana just held up her hand as she reached for Quinn and kissed her lightly.

"Is something wrong with your..." Cindy trailed off as she took in the simple engagement ring on Santana's finger.

Rebecca came over, "Is something wrong? Oh my God," her eyes widened appreciably, "is that what I think it is, Santana?"

"Geez, now I know where they get the wishy-washy crap from," Amanda muttered, rolling her eyes to grab the last of her things from her dad.

Santana ignored her, to nod at her moms. "Quinn wants to marry me," she beamed.

"Oh my God," Rebecca all but squealed, pulling Quinn to her feet to hug her tight as Santana got scooped up into a bear hug by Cindy. "Congratulations you two."

Quinn laughed, burying her face in her aunt's shoulder. "You don't know how happy I am right now, Aunt Becca. She wants to be my wife! Mine!"

Cindy kissed the side of Santana's head, "Like mother like daughter, huh, Santana? Carried away by our Fabray women. You said yes, right?"

"I said yes two years ago," Santana whispered. "Now she just gave me shiny bling to make it official." She smiled and rested her head on her mom’s shoulder.

"Mmm, but what girl doesn't love her bling?" Cindy teased. "I love how our dinner just turned celebratory."

Santana smiled then moved to hug Quinn tightly, she kissed the side of her neck. "You’re getting sex when they leave." She whispered, her arms wrapping around her wife to be. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Quinn murmured, smiling happily as she picked her fiancée up and spun her around. "But you're telling Amanda she's gotta find somewhere to hide already."

"I still have my car," she smirked as she held onto Quinn, "so just wear this dress and I'll handle the rest."

"Oh I bet you will," Quinn purred, nipping Santana's earlobe gently before letting her go. "Okay, I guess we should go see if Amanda's dad-"

"No need. Seriously," Amanda pointed out with one last box in her arms and a garment bag over her shoulders. "He just left." She dumped her things on her bed, "So, we doing this?"

"Dinner?" Santana smiled her hand clutching Quinn's. "First day of college for me and second year for you?"

"And," Quinn pointed out, pulling Santana's hand up to kiss it with a smile, "our official engagement. Come on, San. Let's show these slackers how it's done."

Grinning at her fiancée, she tugged her out of the room and out to their celebratory dinner.

Santana sat at dinner, her fingers gently tracing Quinn's knee under her dress as she listened to her moms talk about their college experience. She smiled softly as she drank her ginger ale and tried to pay attention.

"Santana," Quinn hissed in her ear, catching her hand with a shiver and ignoring Amanda's knowing roll of her eyes, "you keep that up and I'll need you a whole lot sooner than Aunt Becca and Cindy leave..."

Santana pouted and twirled her pasta on her fork. She kept her right hand caressing her fingertips over Quinn's palm. She spoke softly to Amanda as Quinn chatted with Rebecca and Cindy about school. Quinn and Santana shared a cup of ice cream as Cindy interrogated, as any mother would, Amanda about her school work. Santana slid her hand in between Quinn's thighs and stroked her skin softly just needing to touch and feel her lover.

Quinn's eyes widened slightly and her smile got just a little fixed as she felt her lover toying with her sensitive inner thighs barely an inch away from her increasingly damp core. Making sure her aunts were engaged with Amanda for a moment she turned her smile on her lover. "Santana!" she hissed, "Not here! You know how I react to you..."

"Is everything okay, sweetheart?" Rebecca asked, glancing worriedly at the girls.

Quinn shifted slightly in her seat, making Santana's hand push her dress further up and lightly brush over her core causing her to have to struggle to withhold an undignified squeak. "E-everything's fine, Aunt Becca. Just," she yawned exaggeratedly, "kind of tired. Long day, you know."

Amanda rolled her eyes and shook her head with a soft snort, "Yeah, I bet that's it..."

Santana glared at her roommate and gently stroked her thumb against Quinn's core. She turned her attention back to her parents with a smile, "Mom, I'm taking a class with one of your old classmates this year. She's teaching animal science."

Quinn squeaked softly and tried to shift away from Santana even as her body offered a fresh new burst of arousal in response to the brush. "You need to stop that, San...!"

Amanda watched in amusement as Quinn got more and more flustered under her girlfriend's attention. Cindy though perked up at the mention of Santana taking an animal science class. "Oh really? Elisha Parker or Jody Gottsdam? I hear they both teach her now."

"Ms. Parker... I think Ms. Gottsdam is doing biology." she smiled, as she stopped moving her finger but remained in place. "I have her next semester for lab I think."

"Oh, well, they're both excellent. Maybe if you're lucky you can get one as an advisor for a senior independent study."

Amanda smirked at the glazed quality Quinn's face was getting and turned to the older women at the table. "Ms Fabray, Ms Maganix, it has truly been lovely having dinner with you tonight, but I'm feeling pretty tired. If it wouldn't be too terrible an inconvenience, could we maybe head back now?" Glancing at Quinn as Cindy reassured her it was fine and Rebecca called for the check, she mouthed "You owe me."

"Yeah, you guys have a long drive home still," Santana said as she took her hand away from Quinn. When Cindy looked nervous leaving Santana the girl smiled softly, "I'll be okay... I have Quinn and Amanda to watch out for me." she said before getting up when the bill was paid. They walked out to the cars and Santana hugged Cindy, "Mom, I can do this."

“If you’re sure, baby girl,” Cindy murmured, pulling back to look at Santana. “God... I wish I could have been your mom your whole life,” she finally whispered, pulling her into another tight hug.

Rebecca smiled softly as she watched her wife and daughter give their goodbyes. “Quinn...”

“I know, Aunt Becca,” Quinn smiled, pulling her into a hug, “I’ll take care of her. I promise.”

“She’s not the only one we worry about, you know,” Rebecca teased, kissing Quinn’s cheek as she pulled away.

"I wish that too." Santana whispered, her body soaking up the hug before pulling away. "I’ll see you on Saturday morning for work?" She asked, knowing she still wanted to work at the farm even though she was at school.

“Absolutely. What would I do without my best assistant?” Cindy smirked, kissing Santana’s cheek. “Take care of Quinn, okay? She locks everything up and you’re the only one who seems to have a key to that crazy girl.”

"I know." She smiled, "She's everything for me and I her." She headed over to Rebecca and hugged her before bouncing on her heels.

"Everyone ready?" After receiving affirmatives from everyone, Santana, Quinn and Amanda headed to Santana’s car while Cindy and Rebecca got into theirs. “Just remember you two, next year you’re driving yourselves up here by yourself!”

“Whatever,” Quinn laughed, waving at them over the roof off Santana’s SUV as she stood in the door, “you know you two love us too much to not come up and say goodbye. I love you two. Be careful driving home.”

“You too,” Rebecca waved with a last smile as she got in and Cindy started their Jeep for the drive home.

"Bye." Santana slid into the driver’s seat and turned on her car. When everyone got in she started driving, her hand sliding over to Quinn’s thigh and stroking the skin she found there.

When Quinn let out an entirely inappropriate whimper, Amanda groaned. “Seriously, you two?! At least wait until I’m out of the car before you start groping each other! Geez, if I’d known you were gonna get all frisky, I’d have made Quinn wait to propose to your ass, San.”

"You did push her though... I'm just rewarding her." Santana smiled and kept stroking the other girl’s skin.

“Okay, no. Just no. Stop trying to screw your girl when I’m trapped in the same small space!” Amanda groaned, covering her eyes, “You’re supposed to be driving! It’s only a few more minutes back to campus, can’t you just wait?!”

Quinn laughed, breathless and breathing hard, but she reached down and pulled Santana’s hand from her lap. “She’s got a point, San.”

"I'm just playing." Santana pouted, as she put her hand on the wheel and drove to campus. She parked outside of the dorms and turned to Amanda. "We’re gonna abandon you for a bit."

Amanda laughed as she got out of the car. “Yeah, I bet. Play safe, kiddies, and I ain’t waiting up for your sex-crazed asses so I hope you got your keys.”

"We do." She smiled and waved off their friend. Santana slid her hand back under Quinn’s dress as they drove away. "I want to make you come so hard, fiancée."

“Oh God,” Quinn moaned, sliding down in her seat slightly so she could part her legs further and let her lover’s fingers brush her panty covered core, “w-won’t be hard.” She looked over at Santana with dark eyes as the girl tried to find a secluded spot for them. “W-what do you want to do to me?”

Santana’s fingers stroked her lover’s cleft through the cloth as she drove back onto the main road and headed to find a place. "I'm gonna keep touching you like this, then park, get you in the back, and pull off your dress." She glanced over at Quinn with a smirk, "I want to kiss your skin and leave marks all over so everyone will know you're mine."

Quinn groaned, her eyes falling closed as her body responded to her lover’s touch and words. “Most places only you get to see... but I really like the sound of that, San.” She dragged her eyes open, her lips parting as she panted, “Find a place fast...”

"What if I wanted to keep teasing you? Before I lick you until you scream my name?"

“Santana!” Quinn snapped, glaring at her with her best full on angry Quinn face, “You need to find a place to park this damn car,” she started unbuttoning her dress, “because if you don’t, I’ll just crawl in the back and take care of things myself! You've been teasing me all damn night so you need to get your tongue in my pussy before I freaking explode," she wiggled, getting the dress off and throwing it into the backseat so she was sitting in the passenger seat in just her panties having removed her bra during a trip to the bathroom earlier, "unless you want to try and drive while listening to me fucking myself.”

"Mmm is that a promise?" Santana asked raking her nails against bare skin as she drove towards a dark road.

“M-maybe,” Quinn shivered under Santana’s touch, her nipples visibly stiff in anticipation. “Can you stay on the road?”

"Yes." She said as she passed a residential area. "I want you to be ready for me. Remember when I watched you? At home in our bed?"

“Mmm,” she moaned, sliding her hands up to cup and knead her breasts, eyes closed as she leaned back against the seat, “I remember how you helped. The way your warm mouth felt on my breast while my fingers worked inside me...”

"You smell so good." Santana smiled as she drove to a park access. She parked and leaned over and pulled Quinn into a kiss.

Quinn moaned into the kiss, her arms reaching out to pull Santana close to her. “I love you so much,” she whispered, “even if you have turned me into a total hussy for you.” She smirked, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she reached down to undo her seat belt and crawl back over the center console into the back seat. Her ass swayed temptingly near Santana as she worked the catches to fold the back seat down and give them more room.

Santana crawled after her and pushed Quinn down. She pulled off her lover’s panties and looked down from where she hovered over her. "Do you want gentle or aggressive? Want me to fuck you or make love to you?"

“Both,” Quinn whispered, rolling over to look up at her, letting her see her entire nude body stretched out in the pale moonlight filtering in through the moon roof. “I want all of you, Santana. The sweet gentle you and the fierce aggressive you. Everything.” Blushing, she spread her legs, exposing her core to her lover, “I’m yours.”

She moaned, "Fuck." She pulled her t-shirt off and bra. She automatically crouched between her lover’s legs and licked slowly. Her mouth watering with the lustful taste of her wife to be.

Quinn whimpered, her hands sliding down to tangle in Santana’s hair and pull her closer. She’d been being teased for too long and each slow stroke between her folds was like a flaming lash against her skin. “More, Santana, please... don’t tease. Not now... I need you, baby.”

Santana licked slowly not rushing as her lover writhed beneath her.

Quinn gasped and moaned, her hips bucking into Santana with each flick of tongue over her increasingly sensitive clit. “Santana, baby, please,” she begged, needing more to find her release. Needing Santana to fill her.

She raised her hand and slid two fingers into Quinn. She curled her fingers and stroked her lover slowly. Quinn groaned, her walls clamping down on Santana’s fingers as her nails scraped against her scalp.

“Oh God, baby,” she moaned, writhing under her, “don’t tease, please please please don’t... suck me, San... please...”

Santana just moved to slide her tongue inside her with her fingers. She wasn’t in any hurry to bring her to climax and Quinn felt like crying as she bucked beneath her, needing release but Santana just kept slowly building her higher. Her hands left Santana’s hair to scratch up her abs to her breasts where she pinched and pulled on her nipples, trying to give her body that something extra she needed to fall over the edge as Santana just kept pushing her higher.

Finally, Santana started thrusting her fingers with some force and sucked on the girl’s clit. It was like a powerful light bulb being turned on in a previously pitch dark room. Quinn nearly screamed, her hips rocking to meet each thrust and take Santana as deep as she could. Her fingers clenched almost painfully hard on her nipples as she caught at them.

“God, yes! Yes, like that!” she panted, Santana setting her ablaze, “Oh God, take me, San... Take me, I’m yours. I’m yours, baby... Oh God, fuck yes...”

Santana moaned as she kept thrusting her fingers as Quinn rode her face. With all the teasing she’d been put through over the evening and the buildup Santana had given her after finally getting her naked in the back of the car, it didn’t take long before Quinn was panting and gasping on the edge of climax. She reached down and tangled her fingers in Santana’s dark hair, bucking up into her mouth as she panted.

“Please, San... I’m gonna come. I’m so close... so close...”

Santana pulled out and watched her lover’s pained look. "You don't get to come yet." she smirked as she looked at her lover.

“God, why not?!” Quinn was frustrated, reaching down to finish things herself if Santana wouldn’t.

Santana reached down and pulled the shoe box up and rested it on Quinn’s stomach. "What's this, Quinn?" She smirked as she raised an eyebrow.

“T-that? That, um,” her eyes widened as she realized that Santana had found the surprise she’d hidden under the passenger seat, a blush spreading over her cheeks, “that’s um... oh my God...”

"I almost brought it inside... but I decided to let you tell me the purpose of this instead." She picked up the dildo and strap-on as she threw the box aside.

Quinn’s cheeks were scarlet and the blush was spreading down her chest as she swallowed nervously. “That... um... it’s,” she screwed up her courage, looking down her body at Santana and biting her lip, “it’s for you. To... to wear and... and t-take me. I want to not be afraid, San. I want to associate that feeling with you, not Puck. I,” she licked her lips and took a deep breath before spreading her legs wider, “I want you to take me until I can’t walk without feeling like you’re still in me tomorrow, Santana.”

"Mmm." Santana figured out how to put the strap-on on her person, "Okay."

“T-there’s lube,” Quinn whispered, suddenly feeling a bit intimidated by the phallus jutting from her fiancee’s hips, her heart pounding wildly as she looked at the member, “if you need it... H-how does it feel?”

"Odd." She said as she reached down and felt Quinn. "Baby, you’re drenched." She whispered as she as slid her dick through the folds.

“F-for you,” Quinn breathed, laying her head back and closing her eyes with a soft whimper at the feeling of an erection sliding between her legs. “Go slow...” Her voice trembled, soft and hesitant. She was scared but she wanted to get past it with Santana. Her fiancée wasn’t Puck, she reminded herself over and over. She wouldn’t rush her, wouldn’t take her dry and leave her laying there aching while she ran back to the party.

Santana slid the head into the girl’s entrance. "I love you." She pushed an inch in. "Is it too much?"

Quinn grimaced and bit her lip, struggling to make her body relax by reminding herself over and over that it was Santana. It was Santana and she’d never hurt her. Finally, she adjusted to the feeling and did her best to smile up at her fiancée. “It’s okay... k-keep going.”

Santana leaned down and kissed her hard. "I love you."

“I love you too,” she moaned into the kiss, pulling Santana down on top of her. She needed to feel her against her - smell that scent that was uniquely the woman she loved - as the phallus slid deeper into her core, making her whimper as her body slowly stretched to take it all in.

She slid in all the way making their hips flush. "Shit, you feel good."

Quinn gasped at the feeling of being filled while Santana’s entire body was pressed up against her. “S-san,” she whimpered, pulling her down into a needy kiss, one hand tangled in dark hair, the other digging her nails into the girl’s back as her body adjusted to the feeling of being stretched so much. Finally, she relaxed though she could feel her walls still fluttering against the member impaling her. “I love you,” she whispered, making a tentative motion with her hips, “love me, San...please...”

"You’re so beautiful." Santana groaned as she started to work to figure out how to move her hips to pull her dick out and thrust it back into her lover's core. She rolled them and tried to make her movements fluid.

Quinn moaned softly as Santana’s motions moved the sensations in her lower body from the dull ache she remembered from Puck to a more pleasurable sensation, reigniting the fire in the pit of her stomach. “God, Santana,” she groaned, her lips brushing over Santana’s ear as she held the other girl close, their breasts pressed together. “I love you...” She was panting as her heartbeat ramped back up, “Only you... only... you...”

The other girl’s hips sped up, her body getting the hang of the movements. She whimpered and leaned down to press her lips to Quinn’s shoulder. She kissed across, leaving little nips in the wake. She trailed up, sucking on her lover’s pulse point in time with her thrusting.

Quinn cried out, her nails digging into Santana's back as she held her close. She'd adjusted to the feelings and started to actively rock her hips up to meet each thrust. "Oh G-god, San," she panted, wrapping her legs around Santana's hips to try and pull her closer, soft grunts leaving her lips as each thrust of her lover's hips thrust her whole body up.

Santana thrust with everything she had, her body shaking with lust as she worked on bringing her lover over the edge. "You're amazing." She panted. "God, so amazing."

Quinn panted, trembling under Santana as each powerful thrust bottomed out against her cervix drawing whimpers and mewls of mixed pain and pleasure with each strike. "I...I love you," she gasped, "a-always h-have... God, I'm so close, so close. P-please," she begged, clawing Santana's back, "please let me come, please!"

Santana captured Quinn's earlobe between her lips and sucked. She thrust into her and raked her nails down the girl’s arms. "Come," she demanded, punctuating her words with a sharp, deep thrust.

The impact of Santana's body against her clit combined with the forceful penetration and the way her breasts rubbed just right over Quinn's sent her sliding over the edge. She gasped, her body shuddering hard in climax as her muscles seemed to seize. Her walls clinched and rippled along the invading member, trying to milk its hardness even as she fought for breath. Her climax dripped between them, slicking both of their thighs.

"O-oh God, San," she finally gasped, "I love you so much..."

"I love you too, wife to be." she whispered as she thrust a few slow times before slumping down on top of her. She panted from force and she held her girl, "We’re getting married."

"We are," Quinn whispered, laughing with a mixture of exhaustion and happiness as she wrapped her arms around Santana and held her. "I'm going to make you my wife. But...San? Can I...can I make love to you? Just this once without...anything. Just you and me. Your counts are good and I'm clean and...just once I want to be with you like you're not sick. Please...?" She looked up at her fiancée hopefully, "I just want to forget for one night and love you completely..."

She licked her lips letting her eyes drop. "It's okay if you don't want me too. I know you worry about me getting sick too and," she shrugged. "Never mind. We can just do what we usually do."

"Quinn,” Santana began, “it’s not safe. I mean... I do you without protection, but it's harder for you to contract anything unless I'm like bleeding on or in you." she said as she pulled out and took off the harness. "I'm just scared of hurting you."

Quinn shivered at the odd sense of loss as Santana pulled out of her. "I know," she whispered, leaning up on one elbow, her body protesting the move with what she was rapidly deciding was a pleasant ache. "I know the risks and I know the likelihood of my contracting it, San." She reached out and stroked her fingers along Santana's jaw before pulling her in for a kiss, "But I just asked you to spend the rest of your life as my wife, so I think the risks are worth making you feel for at least one night like you're healthy, baby."

"What if I hurt you?" she asked, her body relaxing into the touch. "What if I do?" she leaned in and kissed her lover, "I couldn't live knowing that."

"What if you hurt me? If I become as sick as you, you mean?" Quinn thought about it for a moment, her hand tracing idly over Santana's chest, then shrugged. "I'm spending my life with you, Santana Lopez. Just a few hours ago I asked you to marry me. And one of the vows I'm going to make you is in sickness and in health. If I get sick, then we will deal with it. Together. As long as we're together and I get to spend my life with you, San, I can handle it."

Santana sighed, knowing she didn't like anything her girlfriend was saying. "I'd be there with you, but I'd feel like the worst if I got you sick." She smiled a forced grin as she slid her hands down Quinn's sides. "I don't wanna talk about this crap, Quinn." She kissed her softly, "I want to be with you now."

"I don't want to talk about this either but I think you need to know something," Quinn smiled lopsidedly, rolling them over in the narrow space until she was on top. "I've been getting tested every six months since we became lovers and I'm clean." Her breath was hot over Santana's ear as she took the lobe into her mouth. "I'm going to keep on getting tested too."

The darker girl nodded. "It still scares me," she sighed, "but we can try if you want, Quinn. I wanna give you anything you want."

"This isn't about me," Quinn whispered, leaning over Santana and smiling down at her. "It's about you and how much I love you. It's about me giving you one night as a healthy girl with a fiancée who is crazy about her and willing to do anything for her."

She nipped at the corner of Santana's jaw, "I want to make you feel how beautiful you are to me..."

"Okay," she whispered, her voice shaking, "we can."

"Don't worry, Santana. Just relax and let me love you," Quinn whispered, leaning up to kiss her softly. "I promise not to do anything really dangerous, okay? I know what I can do with the lowest risks. I'm just going to love you, so please just focus on that. Focus on my lips," she breathed, kissing down her neck to nibble lightly on her pulse point, "and my tongue because I'm going to use them to show you how perfect you are to me and for me..."

Santana shivered. "Okay," she agreed, her body already arching into Quinn's touch. "I'm yours."

“I love being able to touch you,” Quinn whispered, drifting down Santana’s body with her fingertips, her lips brushing over tan skin in their wake. “Do you know how long I wanted to be able to do this?” Her lips brushed over Santana’s collarbone, nipping lightly on their way down over the upper curve of her breast, “How many times I woke up in a cold sweat because I’d been dreaming of you?”

The younger girl gasped softly. "Please," she cried out softly, "I want you to touch me."

Quinn looked up at her with a soft smile, her fingers stroking along her lover’s sides. “Always, Santana. You’re going to be my wife and I will always long to touch you.” She let her lips slip over one of the girl’s tight nipples and suck gently as her hands brushed over the crease of her hips.

"Please, Quinn,” she groaned, "just take me."

She smirked against the nipple in her mouth, giving one last suck before kissing and nibbling her way down between the girl’s legs. “You’re so beautiful, Santana,” she whispered, lifting Santana’s legs to slide them over her shoulders as she first kissed the top of her mound then carefully slid her tongue between her slightly damp folds and stroking up through them to taste her. “God, you taste so good,” she groaned, using her thumbs to hold her open so she could gently nibble at her clit.

"B-be careful," Santana warned, as she arched up and moaned.

“Always with you, baby,” Quinn whispered, watching Santana with her hands pressed over her hips to hold her down as she parted her. She licked her lips and gently blew over the girl’s clit, “I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you feel loved.” Watching Santana, her heart pounding in her chest, she slid her tongue into her folds and slipped as far as she could into her tight channel without any barriers for the first time, moaning at the warmth and taste of her lover.

Santana whimpered and shivered at the touch. "Oh shit..."

“It’s okay, baby. Just let go,” Quinn whispered, thumbing her clit before thrusting her tongue inside again.

Santana cried out her body shivering as she felt her body cresting. "I'm close, baby."

Quinn didn't reply as she rolled her thumb over Santana's clit and thrust her tongue as deep as she could, stroking her walls. She moaned into her lover's core as she watched the way her face changed as the climax came over her. She wanted this. More than anything, she wanted to always know she could give this to the girl she loved. That she could give her everything and show her love in this way.

Santana's face contorted as her body arched up as she came. A silent scream came from her lips as her body quivered around her lover's tongue.

Quinn held Santana's body in place, continuing to stroke her walls through the orgasm, swallowing down every drip of arousal that slipped from Santana's body. She loved being able to watch Santana come undone. Loved knowing that she was the one who was allowed to see it. To bring her to climax like this. "I love you," she whispered as she finally pulled out as Santana calmed down, placing a gentle kiss to the crease of her hip. "I'm so happy you're going to be my wife."

Santana grunted as she kept shivering in her aftermath. She slumped against the car seat as she let her eyes flutter closed while she reached her arms out blindly for her girlfriend. "mine." she whispered when she found her and pulled her close.

Quinn curled into her, knowing that they had to get dressed and drive home soon but relishing the feeling of their bare bodies pressing against each other. "You're the only person I've ever let get away with being possessive of me," she teased with a soft laugh, kissing the crook of her neck.

You're the only one that I've ever wanted to touch me." Santana whispered, "You make me feel whole and I love you so much."

"Good," Quinn teased with a smirk, leaning in to kiss her before wiggling into her dress and back upright, "because I love you too but I think we should get dressed and back home to the dorm before the cops try and arrest us."

Santana grunted and sat up, she rubbed her eyes and pulled her top on before wiggling her way back into her jeans and top. She put the strap on in the box with her bra and panties before she got into the front seat.

"Hey," Quinn stopped her with a smile before nudging her towards the passenger seat, "let me drive you home. It's the least I can do for my beautiful wife to be, right?"

The very sleepy, sated girl nodded and moved into the passenger seat. She curled up and reached for Quinn's hand before nodding off when Quinn started to drive them home.

Quinn glanced over at her as she readjusted her dress once she got in the driver's seat and the car started again. She smiled, taking her hand once she got the car put into drive. "This is the beginning of our future, San. Just you wait. This is our chance now and I love you so much."

Heading back to the campus listening to the soft sound of her lover sleeping, Quinn couldn't help but smile. For the first time in a long time, things finally felt right. They were going to make it. And damn anyone who tried to come between them again.

A PSA message from Sio

fic: the way to each other, universe: twteo, pairing: santana/quinn, co-writer: maura

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