The Way To Each Other - Chapter Thirty Part B

Mar 27, 2009 12:28

Title: The Way To Each Other
Author: Sio & Maura
Rating: Hard NC-17
Length: Epic (230,271)
Spoilers: This is AU. Some mentions of Seasons 1 & 2 events though handled differently than in canon.
Pairing: Santana/Quinn
Summary: Santana's life is far harder than it appears to the average viewer. Her dad's in jail and her mom turns tricks in their old family home. Worst yet, Santana herself has to do the same to keep her mom alive and food in her belly. Can Quinn save her? Or will Quinn's domineering father ruin everything? For the Glee Bang
Warnings (highlight to read): talks of suicide, angst, language, graphic het and femslash sex, non-con, dub-con, oral, vaginal, anal, pedophilia, sex work, underage prostitution, abuse, violence sexual and non, minor character death, self-harm, drug use, disease - HIV

Santana looked in the mirror after drying her hair. She had pulled on a black form fitting black dress with three quarter sleeves that reached slightly above mid-way on her thighs. She pulled on knee high burgundy colored boots and let her long hair tumble down her shoulders in slight waves.

Cindy leaned on the door frame, watching her fix her hair and make-up with a soft smile. “Well, don’t you look beautiful,” she murmured, pushing off the frame when Santana noticed her and stepping into the room. “Your Quinn is going to be knocked off her feet. You sure you’re feeling up to this, sweetheart?”

Santana put on some concealer so her dark circles weren't as noticeable. "Yeah... She wants to go on a date, that's what girlfriends do right?" She asked and ran her fingers through her hair again before pulling down on the dress to make it longer. "I feel slutty." She whispered not having worn a dress in over a year.

“Okay, stop right there.” Cindy knelt down next to her. “First, just because Quinn wants to take you on a date doesn’t mean you have to. I’ve talked to her and I know she’s willing to wait for you to feel better. She’s not going to be happy if you’re going out of a sense of obligation. And second, if what you’re wearing makes you feel bad, wear something else.”

"I wanna look nice." Santana whispered, "She looks so amazing and I just look..." she looked down and sighed, "I don't know. The only times I wore dresses was to get bought or Cheerios..." She crossed her arms over her chest.

“You just look beautiful,” Cindy reassured her, taking her hands. “Wearing a dress doesn’t make you anything like that, Santana. Look at me, do you think I look like that when I wear a dress? How about Becca? You’ve seen her in dresses a lot more than me.” She leaned down to catch her eyes and smiled softly, “How about Quinn? You know she loves wearing those silly summer dresses.”

Santana nodded and grabbed her jacket and bag. "O-okay." She whispered softly, before grabbing her black rectangular glasses off the table. "My eyes hurt too much to put contacts in this morning... do the glasses look okay?" she asked as she slipped them on her face.

Cindy smirked, “Weird as it is to say this about my daughter, but you look sexy smart in those.” She leaned up and kissed Santana’s cheek before standing and dusting off the knees of her jeans. “Quinn’s not going to know what hit her when you come down the stairs, sweetheart.”

"Creeper." Santana teased before making sure she looked okay then heading down the stairs. "Quinn?" She called out when she didn't see her girlfriend in the living room.

Quinn stepped out from behind the wall dividing the kitchen from the living room with a smile that turned into a jaw dropped look of awe as she took in her girlfriend coming down the stairs. “S-santana?” she whispered, the small bunch of red roses held in her loosening grip starting to become endangered of being dropped as her eyes roamed over the beautiful sight before her, a scarlet blush blooming on her pale cheeks. “You... you look... oh my gosh...”

"Hey." Santana said softly as she came down and walked closer to Quinn. "You're blushing." She teased as she leaned up and kissed the girl's cheek. "Now you know how I felt when you woke me up."

Quinn regained control of herself and smiled down at Santana, leaning in for a gentle kiss, “There is no way I made you that stunned, but thank you.” She held out the neat gathering of six red roses mingling with sprays of baby’s breath. “These are for you.” She smirked lopsidedly, “I did say I was taking you on a traditional date, right?”

"Baby, we're two girls... that's not really traditional." Santana smiled and smelled the flowers despite her stuffy nose. "These are beautiful. Think we can put them in water before we go?" She asked as she headed into the kitchen where she was intercepted by Rebecca. "Look!"

Rebecca smiled and nodded, "Beautiful." She reached out and took them from the girl's arms, "Let me put them in water, you girls get going."

Quinn pouted slightly waiting for Santana to come back from the kitchen. She didn’t know how to date another girl even after over a year with Santana. She was trying to make it a good experience for her girlfriend’s seventeenth birthday, but she was starting to get the feeling that maybe she was trying too hard.

She smiled when Santana reappeared from the kitchen and offered her arm. “Traditional or not, I want you to have as normal a time as possible tonight. Shall we?”

"I love it." She smiled and melted into her girlfriend’s arms after she put on her coat. She followed Quinn out and smiled again when her girlfriend held the Jeep door open for her. "You're so amazing," She kept smiling as she leaned over and rested her hand on Quinn's thigh as she drove.

Quinn blushed, ducking her head shyly. “I’m not, but thank you for saying so.” She took one hand off the wheel to rest it on top of Santana’s. “I was hoping you might be in the mood for that Italian place that Aunt Becca suggested last year?”

"Sure." Santana smiled and tangled their fingers together. She slid over as far as she could on the bench seat and snuggled into Quinn to protect her from the cold car and mostly, she wanted her girlfriend’s arms around her. "You look really hot, but why did you decide on a suit?"

She shrugged, moving her arm to slide around Santana’s shoulders. “I wanted to do something special for you. And well,” she blushed, carefully keeping her eyes just on the road, “isn’t it traditional for the person asking the pretty girl on a date to dress up in a suit? I asked you so I thought I should...”

"I like it..." She said softly, "Maybe when I ask you out I can dress up in it?" She smiled and pressed a kiss to the crook of the blonde’s neck.

“Maybe,” Quinn’s voice trembled slightly and she had to fight to keep her eyes from closing. “If you want.” She risked a glance at her girlfriend, “I bet you’d look incredible. Though I have no idea how you could top how you look right now.”

Santana blushed softly and smiled as they drove to the restaurant.

After a dinner filled with shy blushes and glances and a movie that began a slight influx of sexual frustration when Santana teasingly ran her fingers over Quinn's wrist and knee causing her to shiver and blush. Santana cuddled into Quinn and followed her out of the theatre to the car after the film. Quinn had told her that she wanted to spend some time together and Santana agreed with a soft kiss to her lips before they drove off.

Quinn drove almost all the way home before turning off onto a small gravel road. It took a while before Santana recognized the road as heading to the back forty of the Sleeping Fox Ranch since she rarely rode along to fix the back pasture in the winter time because of her hips. Quinn noticed the dawning recognition with a smile.

“Recognize where we are?” she asked softly as she turned off the road, parking the Jeep on the top of the small cliff that overlooked the pond they’d swam in over the summer, now frozen over with a haze of ice. The moon was bright over the still, slightly snowy scene, peaceful. Quinn smiled softly, looking out the windshield at it.

Santana smiled, "I like it here." She said as she took off her seatbelt and turned to look at Quinn. "I believe you said something about birthday kisses?" She asked as she leaned over and unbuckled Quinn's belt.

“I believe I said something about letting you have your way with me actually,” Quinn whispered, making sure the Jeep was completely in park with the auxiliary brake set before climbing into the backseat as gracefully as possible without turning the car off or getting out. “There’s more room back here, don’t you think?” She was blushing horribly, but she smiled at Santana as she reached up to help her back.

Santana climbed over and slid into Quinn's lap. "What about you having your way with me?" She offered softly as she looped her arms around the girl's neck.

“I don’t want you do have to do anything you don’t want to,” Quinn whispered, pulling Santana close to brush her lips teasingly over the other girl’s tanned skin. “You’re in control, San. It’s your birthday. Whatever you want...”

"I think..." she spoke softly, "if we kiss for awhile... I might be ready to try something more. Since,” she admitted, ”since I saw you, I can't stop thinking about what I did to you and how it might feel."

Quinn smiled lopsidedly, “Really? If you don’t want to that’s okay too.” She reached up to brush back some of Santana’s hair, her fingers lightly trailing over the girl’s cheek, “I want you to be comfortable and happy when you’re with me.” She leaned forward and kissed her softly, “If you only want to touch me, that’s okay. I want whatever you do tonight.”

"I know." She said, "But, how do I know what I want until I try it? Right?" She asked softly with a kiss to the girl's lips. "Please? For me?"

“Whatever you want,” Quinn breathed, her hands lightly squeezing the girl’s hips as she straddled her lap in the short dress. “I love you and I’ll do whatever you want me to,” her voice trailed off as she leaned into capture Santana’s lips again, her eyes dark with want in the moonlight.

The birthday girl kissed back, her lips parting to meet Quinn as soon as they touched. She wanted to feel how much her girlfriend loved her and how much she needed to feel the comfort of their bodies touching. She was nervous, but she was more excited about how the progression might feel.

Tentatively leading more than usual, Quinn slipped her tongue between Santana’s lips, letting her hands stroke her girlfriend’s sides as her lips moved against Santana’s full ones. She moaned softly at the feeling of holding the girl she loved in her arms and kissing her. Her body tightened and she struggled to control her breathing as the simple expression of love seemed to light a fire in her stomach that intensified the sensations tumbling about with each brush of lips on lips or fingers over smooth cloth.

After a few moments, Santana began to feel light headed from the kiss and she pulled away. She smiled innocently before moving to capture Quinn's earlobe between her lips and tease small groans of pleasure out of her lover.

Quinn groaned deep in her throat as each tug of the warm wetness surrounding her earlobe seemed to cause a corresponding twitch between her thighs. “S-santana,” she breathed, her fingers tightening on the girl’s hips as her nipples seemed to press painfully hard against her bra. She writhed under the girl, trying to find some relief.

Santana smirked, "Yes?" pulling away to press light kisses down the girl's jaw. She tentatively moved her hands from Quinn's neck to down her chest. She settled them on the lapels of the girl's jacket. "Do you want me to stop?" She asked as she moved back to nip at the lobe.

She shook her head with a tiny smile, dragging her eyes open to look up at Santana. “No,” she whispered. “I don’t want you to stop. I’m just,” she blushed, her voice catching in her throat for a moment, “I don’t know how long I’ll last...”

Santana nodded and pulled away. "Can you..." she looked down to her breasts. "Go gentle with me?"

Quinn’s breath caught in her throat as she realized what Santana was suggesting. “Are you sure?” she asked, her voice soft even as her hands slid up to gently brush the sides of the girl’s breasts through the fabric of her dress and bra. “Really sure? It’s okay if you’re not...”

"I think so, yeah." She whispered, "Just... I want to remember you not anyone else okay. Just... make sure it's always you," She said scared that she might fall into a memory.

“I never want it to be anyone else ever again,” Quinn whispered, leaning in to gently kiss her neck. “Tell me what you want, San. How should I touch you?” Her hands gently cupped Santana’s breasts through the dress, “Like this?” Her thumbs lightly stroked over the stiff buds she could feel through the cloth separating them.

Santana whimpered softly, "I..." She rested her head against Quinn's as she tried to just feel the sensations. "Yeah." She licked her lips and closed her eyes for a moment. "Like that is good."

Quinn carefully smoothed her hands over Santana’s breasts, gently kissing her neck. “I love you so much,” she whispered as she brushed her lips over the girl’s pulse. “You’re the only one I ever want to be with like this. You’re mine, Santana,” she murmured, lightly tracing the spot with her tongue as she squeezed gently, “I won’t let anyone else take you from me. I promise I’m the only one who’ll ever touch you like this again if that’s what you want.”

"I know." She whispered her pulse quickening, "I want you to touch me forever." She sank further down onto the girl’s lap, feeling her body slightly on fire. "I love you."

“I’ll touch you as much as you want and as long as you want. You’re in control.” The last words came out in a soft hiss as Quinn tried not to roll her hips up into Santana at the increased contact between them. She breathed through her nose and fought to stay in control of herself and keep things light and gentle.

Santana nodded and moved to kiss Quinn softly before moving to suck gently on Quinn's earlobe again. She arched her back into the girl's hands as she felt the pressure increase.

Quinn whimpered, rubbing her thighs together as she continued to stroke Santana's chest. She was on fire with desire and it was harder and harder to keep in check the further they went. She pressed trembling kisses along Santana's neck as her hands tentatively slid up until the peaks of the girl's nipples were nestled in the crook of her thumb and forefinger as she gently closed her hands, squeezing the peaks lightly through her clothes.

"Oh!" Santana gasped as she felt arousal jolt though her body, "That..." she whimpered, "Can... Can you go.." she took Quinn's hand and brought it up to the collar of her shirt and slid her fingers under the fabric.

Confusion pushing aside some of the haze of arousal, Quinn looked up at Santana as her fingertips grazed the upper swell of her breast. "What do you want?" she gasped softly. "I don't understand..."

She just pushed Quinn's hand against her skin. "Just keep touching me okay?" she asked softly as she continued to kiss her neck.

"O-okay," Quinn whispered, twisting her hand awkwardly in the collar of Santana's dress to try and oblige with the command to keep touching her. She had to focus to avoid stretching the dress out, taking away from the edge of fire burning between her legs as she had to lean back against the seat to have room to work.

After a few moments, Santana sighed and looked at the girl. "Not working." She pouted as she pulled Quinn's hand out and put it back on her breast.

Quinn bit her lip, looking down. "I'm sorry," she whispered, upset with herself for not being able to give her lover what she wanted. "I didn't understand. I'll try harder next time..."

"It's not that." Santana said softly, "It's just that my dress is making it hard." She nuzzled Quinn's neck. "It's okay... it's not as scary as I thought. It feels really good."

"I want you to feel good," Quinn whispered, letting her hands trail over her girlfriend's chest again. ", maybe?" She bit her lip, her cheeks growing hot with the blush spreading across them, "Maybe I could take it... off?" Her voice squeaked slightly on the last word making her sound far more like the nervous teen she was than the confident, patient lover she hoped to be for Santana.

"Off?" She said nervously, she chewed her lip for a second before raising her arms and hoping Quinn would get the idea of and take off her dress. She was scared - she was trembling she was so scared - but she was determined to make sure she and Quinn could have this.

"Just the dress," Quinn whispered, swallowing nervously as she slid her hands down to Santana's thighs and carefully eased them up under the hem. She pushed gently, lightly trailing her fingertips over Santana's warm skin as she raised it higher and higher until it finally slid up over her head and off her arms. She set it on the seat back beside them unable to keep her eyes from roaming over her lover's bra covered chest and the light definition of her abdomen as she did.

"You're beautiful," she whispered, her voice tinged with reverence. Her hands seemed to move of their own violation, sliding up Santana's body once more to delicately caress tanned upper swells. "I love you, San... So much."

"I... I love you too." She whimpered, her body shaking slightly. "Can... Can I have your coat?" She asked softly, needing to be covered except for what she wanted her lover to see.

"Of course," Quinn whispered, shrugging out of her suit coat and carefully draping it over Santana's shoulders. "How's that?"

"Better." She whispered before leaning in to kiss Quinn's neck as she felt Quinn's hands slide around her waist and pull her closer. She sucked slightly on the girl's lip and moaned slightly.

Quinn whimpered softly, her nails slightly scratching along Santana's back as she slid them up and down the soft skin. "I love you," she moaned into the kiss. Her hands teased Santana's body, hovering just south of her breasts. She pulled back, looking from Santana's eyes to the soft mounds in their black lace bra, her eyes dark with desire. "Can I?" she whispered softly, her fingers itching to caress the tanned globes.

"Please." she whimpered her breath catching as she watch pale hands moving to touch her skin. "I want... I want..."

She bit her lip, watching intently as her pale hands moved up to cup darker skin and black lace. She groaned softly at the feel of them filling her hands with only a thin layer of cloth between her sensitive palms and the stiff peaks pressing through the rough lace. "So beautiful," she mumbled, trying to control herself as she carefully squeezed and caressed the girl's chest.

Santana whimpered and let her trembling hands run down Quinn's arms before moving and kissing down the girl's neck. She captured the girl's earlobe between her teeth and nibbled and sucked softly.

Quinn whined, her jaw clenched to hold back the inexcusably loud moan that wanted to break free between the feeling of her girlfriend's lips around her earlobe and her breasts filling her hands. Her hips shifted under Santana as she tried to press her thighs together for some relief from the hot wetness soaking through her underwear - and, she was afraid, her pants. "San," she moaned, "you...y-you're gonna...I'm gonna," her whole body shook as a tremor ran through it, "I'm going to c-come if you keep that up." Her fingers dragged over Santana's bra covered breasts, lightly tweaking the nipple through the lace.

With a slight moan, Santana pulled her head away and she looked into Quinn's eyes. She carefully put her hand in between Quinn's and flipped the front clasp on her bra and looked at her girlfriend as she pulled away. "Can you... kiss me... there?" She whispered, not loving the rough feeling of hands pulling at her nipples.

Quinn trembled as her hands moved away, taking the bra with them and leaving Santana's upper chest bare to her eyes. Her breathing shook as she nodded, unable to pull her eyes away. "Y-yes," she whispered, leaning forward, "an-anything for you..."

Licking her lips, she pressed a trail of gentle kisses down over the slope of her lover's breasts, carefully supporting them with her hands. Rolling her eyes up to look at Santana, she hesitantly stroked over one nipple with the tip of her tongue. Her body quaked at the almost electric sensation flowing from the tip of her tongue to her core and she moaned softly at the tantalizing taste of her lover.

Santana bit her lip and whimpered, her hand going to hold onto the side of the car so she wouldn't fall over. She watched as Quinn kept eye contact while her pink lips were surrounding her very cold breast. Santana moaned, she had never felt something that... intense before. Something so incredible and unnerving all at the same time. Her body didn't quite know how to react.

Quinn kept her hands sliding over Santana's body as she moved to the other breast, being careful to keep eye contact. To remind Santana it was her and not some random who'd paid for the privilege. She pulled away from the tight nipple with a soft pop. "Are you okay?" she whispered, her breath hot and cold over Santana's damp nipple.

"Y-yeah." She stumbled, watching intently. "F-feels good." She nodded urging Quinn to keep going out of sheer need to be able to let go and enjoy herself with the one person who cares for her more than anyone in the world.

Quinn nodded, her tongue slipping out to moisten her lips as her eyes traced along Santana's collarbones. "San, do you think I...I mean, would you mind," she blushed, her hands covering the girl's breasts and gently squeezing in a slow rhythm, "would you mind if I...I left a mark?"

She was shy and stammering, the blush bright in contrast to her pale skin. But she couldn't deny how much she wanted permission to place a kiss hard upon the delicate skin stretching over Santana's clavicle. To leave a mark to remind Santana that she was hers and no one else could know her like Quinn did.

"A mark?" she asked quietly, Santana didn't really understand the question but she nodded and ran her fingers through Quinn's hair. "Okay."

"I just...I," her blush darkened as one hand crept up to brush over the soft skin that was so fascinating her. "I want to prove this happened in the morning," she whispered, "to know this - being with you, being allowed to touch you like this - wasn't just the dream it feels like." Her voice was low and husky as she leaned in to brush her lips over delicate skin. "I want you to know you're mine. That no one else gets to touch you. Not like I do," she nipped lightly, carefully choosing a spot nearer her shoulder than her neck so it would be hidden by her lover's clothes. "I hope you'll do the same to me," she finally whispered before sucking hard, trying to bruise her lover's flesh in the shape of her open mouthed kiss as her hands covered the girl's breasts tenderly.

Santana gasped, the sensation of someone she loved kissing her skin that roughly blew her mind. It was actually making her like the force. She clung to her girlfriend as the blonde’s lips teased a bruise out of her flesh. When Quinn pulled away, her swollen lips parted with panting breath, Santana leaned in and kissed up Quinn's neck. She licked the expanse to her ear and settled for the spot she knew would cause Quinn to writhe. She sucked gently at the skin slightly under Quinn's ear as her hand cupped the other side and stroked gently.

Quinn's eyes widened as she knew the spot would be visible to her aunts, but she couldn't help the smile that curled her still tingling lips. She moaned, her eyes slamming shut as her body ground into the seat, her muscles tensing as the feeling of being marked by someone she wanted to mark her sent shockwaves directly to her core.

She keened as her orgasm washed over her, fingers tightening involuntarily on Santana's chest as her body tensed. It flooded from the tips of her toes seeming to shoot through her entire body before rocketing out the top of her head. "God!" she finally gasped as her lungs started working again.

Santana pulled away with a shy smile. She was flushed, the suit jacket hanging off her shoulders covering her back while her long hair covered her breasts. She looked up through her eyelashes at her panting girlfriend. "Te amo."

"I love you too," Quinn panted with a shy smile, reaching up to slide her hand along the side of Santana's neck and pull her down into a gentle kiss. "But I thought I was going to let you touch me back here. Instead I touched you and," she blushed, "apparently have developed a problem similar to Finn."

"You last long enough." Santana giggled as she curled in closer, "you just have a soft spot for your neck."

Quinn slid her arms around Santana's bare waist under the jacket and held her close to share her body heat despite the heater going. "I just have a soft spot for you, you mean," she teased, kissing the top of her head. "Someday, maybe I'll let you show me how those magical lips and fingers feel on other parts of me too."

Santana nodded. She knew she wanted to give that to Quinn, more so now that she'd seen Quinn do it; but she also knew that she wasn't ready for Quinn to do anything more than what they were doing. Santana still wasn't sure she felt pleasure the same way as Quinn. That despite everything she only had come close to climax once and Quinn seemed to always find her release.

Santana snuggled closer into her girl's arms and smiled knowing she was okay and safe.

Chapter Thirty-One

fic: the way to each other, universe: twteo, pairing: santana/quinn, co-writer: maura

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