Dec 12, 2003 07:54
so i succeeded. i got my license, and i drove all by myself yesterday! how exciting. first i went to the horrible lake ella to see if anyone was there, i saw jamake and his girlfriend katie, then i went to honey tree to see taylor, and over to remy's for practice. i think it was probably the best we've ever played. our originals sounded really tight and the covers came along nicely as well. then we went back to honey tree, and over to the show. it was decent. the first 3 bands i didn't really like, and i'm not much for Bury Your Dead either but it was still cool to see them. i didn't get to see all of BTBAM's set...but i saw the first half and they were good as shit. not as good as they could've been because they kicked out the second guitarist, but whatever.
i'm back at school today. i'm still kind of sick...basically just a cough, but a cough that won't go away. it's one of the most stubborn colds i've had in a while. i feel really drained too, out of energy. i'm thinking about going home really early tonight so i'll have a chance of being more energetic for the show tomorrow, but i doubt i will.
man...i have a bunch of catching up to do in school, and this fucking retarded satire essay.
i'll do it sunday.