i'm into my 20th hour of not sleeping and am high on caffine now (2 cups of coffee at night ftw) so please pardon any uncomprehensible blogging.
ok so here are the photos (finally)
cant believe ive known most of these people for more than 10 years already and we're still in close contact..
today i woke up at an unearthly hour of 6.30am (i havent gotten up so early for ages cus i havent been doing morning shift at work). went for alumni band practice.. reached at like 8.45am. The practice ended at 11.30am so I had a lot of time to spare before work. we ate at holland village and then went off separate ways. I travelled all the way from buona vista to the airport on the mrt...gee. Was very early for work. haha. I had two cups of coffee (one free from spinelli's one paid from coffeebean HAHA) in order to stay awake throughout my work.
and freak, today was quite a bad day for me. kind of sprained my neck during my shower in the morning. still hurts right now. a lot of other unfortunate events happened too.
so yeah yesterday i went for AC's band tune in. joined my section for their section lunch, got to know some of the euphonium sec4s that came. stayed till they ended band before i left home for dinner and crashed straight after (freaking tireddd)
The day before yesterday i went out to bugis with my pri sch friend, samantha (whom ive known for like, 11 years. thats really long). supposed to shop a little but i ended up buying food from Muji hahaha. we had some fascination over Muji's shoes which looked so good and were quite cheap but didnt come in our sizes (awww). bought stuff for people instead of myself hahaha gosh.
The next few days gonna be hell for me. non stop work for the next 4 days, making it a 5 day work in a row. For retail 5 days is seriously no joke.......... i almost died when i worked 3 consecutive days. I really salute my full-time colleagues. I hope i dont fall ill, lest it lowers my immunity system against the h1n1 (haha working in the airport makes me a bit worried about h1n1 now i guess? esp since i am in close contact with people both departures n arrivals).
After 5 days of non-stop working, it'll be stay over at soomin's house from thurs to fri, then ac band alumni prac on fri night, working on saturday morning, japanese class on sunday morning, working on sunday night.... which means my rest only comes on monday................ i hope i can survive.
wow this is probably one of the few rare wordy entries in such a long time.